This is a fun way to spend one or two good live sessions. I worked up some extra ways to earn points beyond those listed in the optional scoring system and ran it as a miniature competition between three teams via forum posts, and they had a blast. The skeletal dwarven miners encounter is significantly harder than the rest of the mine, especially if the party also attracts the lizard skeletons from the pit, and especially if the party is in the pit. Despite that, only one of my teams had a TPK, and only three deaths between all the teams other than that (one from a character walking into the nether portal and two at the sacrificial altar).
The DM should be prepared to either flip back and forth between the text and the combat encounters a lot or else have the encounters separated so that he/she can easily reference both. Other than a few minor tweaks to fully convert this adventure to 5e (and those tweaks aren't fully necessary, just helpful), this adventure is ready to do its job of thrilling your players with some life-or-death traps, combat, and puzzles. Have fun!