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B1 In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Michael C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/27/2013 11:48:02

It was this adventure as well as the blue rule book ('Holmes Basic') that accompanied it that set me off into the Gaming (and ultimately creative) life that I lead today.

Looking at it from a pure design sense reminds me of how incredibly lean and mean these early modules were: Not an inch of page space is wasted, and it does in thirty-six pages what would take a 'modern' RPG probably over a hundred! More than one game publisher could learn from studying this module closely!

The print quality is rock-solid, although you get that 'second-hand' feel you get from almost all PDFs that began as printed media....There's nothing that can be done about that however, so I'm not holding that against it.

This classic is once again available for a new generation of gamers to see and learn from it. Well done WOTC!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
B1 In Search of the Unknown (Basic)
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