This is an 84 page Softcover
Having read a great many glowing reviews of this creative, Non-vancian spell system had me very excited. $20 is more than I typically spend on a soft cover RPG supplement, so I put it on a wishlist for a long time. One night, working some overtime hours, I figured I earned it.
To be entirely fair will require me to judge content separately from bang for bucks.
Content is super. The ideas are neat . The translation of old standard D&D spells into vague & mutated versions of themselves makes them feel entirely fresh and new . The art perfectly suits the feel of the text. Five stars for content.
The value, sadly, is another story. The pages are more along the lines of a paperback size than a digest. There are merely 84 pages. The layout is very easy to peruse, but consequently the font is large enough that you get even less content than you might expect. No stars for value.
This review is meant in no way to deter buyers, rather to be clear what you are buying, as I was a bit surprised and disappointed by how little volume there was.
I'd still probably give at least 3 stars , but I can't get the website to let me change #
of stars.