I've now bought a bunch of the 'Dazegoneby' line and am prepping this one specifically for my table.
Full disclosure - I Haven't played any of them yet in a practical sense, so these are my observations based on reading through them.
As I was browsing, looking for some good options for scenarios to drop into my game, and came across the Dazegoneby line. I admit that the low price tag was also a lure... but I was very pleased - they read well and are nicely put together. Clean presentation and easy to prep scenarios.
They use the Swords and Wizardry setup, but are easily converted to any of the other old school systems, official or OGL.
I like that the setups are simple, easily inserted into existing scenarios, and fairly rich in their offerings. The antagonists are well thought out with clear motivations of their own, which lends a level of nuance to any game. (I am particularly eager to run my group through the 'Night of the Stirges' module)
I'm most certainly interested to see more offerings from Creation's Edge Dazegonby line, especially more full-length adventure modules. I would also like to see their books given the print-on-demand treatment for hardcopies.
Having bought up most of their low level adventures, I'll come back for the high level ones once my crew gets there in-game.
My two coppers.