This has some great ideas. But it a near total social module. I ran this 3+ times and had fun. DMs will need to make sure the Mirror Maze is closed for business until just before the climax.
This is a good mod for new players. I've run it twice and the role playing can be a fun intro to AL. It's a pretty easy mod to balance out without too many concerns of a TPK.
While flavorful, I tend to think that the "Creepy Circus" trope is a bit overdone. It's well enough executed, but the two-hour build time really makes it hard to play up the tension too much or to go too deep in roleplay to build the vibe that the module needs to maintain credibility.
Fantastic module. Easy to scale up to 4 hours, and reskin to whatever loaction you like (I set it near Parnast to pair with the Bad Fruul Season 5 Tier One adventures). Doesn't take much to add a little flair to the games, food, or rides to stretch things out (Out of control rides, cheating carnies, a subplot on the barrel of cider the gnome is trying to sell from the begining, etc.).
I found my players loving the RP aspect so much that they didn't even notice there were only two combats (I actually added a third by expanding the farmer arguement into a brawl where they needed to intervene non-lethally).
Playing up the fools is key. I amped up the creepy/hate factor by using the main villain's abilities to learn personal information about the characters then pass it on to the fools so their mocking mimes were very cutting. This made the characters both furious and freaked out at how the fools knew so much about them.
Good for any level and number of players. Lots of spooky fun. Can't wait to run it again.
Really an excellent module. My players loved it and made sure to explore every bit of the carnival and the town. The boss fight worked really well and presented an interesting tactical challenge for tier one characters. Despite the fact that the difficulty was totally doable for my level four players, the environment and general feel of the module kept my players on edge and feeling slightly worried they were biting off more than they could chew (really playing up how creepy the attractions and the Fools were seemed to go a long way). Finishing it successfully was a great moment for everyone. Strongly recommended.
I ran this for a group of friends, most of whom had only played a little D&D. It was the first published adventure I had ever run as a DM and it was a joy. My group loved the items handed out and the creepy feel of the carnival.
I will say that I added some more detail to the circus, creating named circus people and giving them different personalities and characteristics. There is not a lot of detail provided for the circus itself outside of the tables and the main characters, so expect to do a little work as a DM.
Would have been good for a creepy Halloween one-shot!
There were a few minor typographical errors. Other than that, the story was great. Very easy adventure to prepare; did it with 15 minutes notice. Nice ambiance and fun NPCs. The boss fight is very cool.
The roleplaying opportunities in this module were great and with a bit of flair, players can easily become become sucked into the RP aspect that you don't necessarily get to do in many AL modules due to time constraints.
This is thus far my favorite module as a player and was the first module I ran as a DM. It offers a massive amount of flexibilty, for both RP and combat. It can be a bit daunting at first, but my players seemed to enjoy the bits of flair I added. While perfectly possible to run with a group of strangers, I can tell it would really shine if the DM is well versed in their PC's backstories. Heavily recommended whether as a quick session for beginners (though I would advise adjusting some of the combat) or as a longer session to really delve into the back stories of your table.
Ok - for a two hour adventure, this was loads of fun.
Players can expand if they want around the carnival, or you can be more straight-forward towards the plot, and it's easily done. One of the most malleable modules around, easily expandable and compressed.
DMs also have fun with this due to lair actions, although some of the damage may outright kill LVL 1's, so do adjust the encounter appropriately. Works well with PC's that you know their background well, as it gives a good chance to RP on their fears and traumas - as the boss would.
A trip to the carnival!
I truly enjoyed this RP-heavy, non-combat adventure. For some of the carnival attractions, we played the games and I let the players roll to cheat, and then had them actually cheat. It was a really unique experience as a DM.
10/5 would mice again.
This has probably been my favorite for new players or for just having fun with the roleplay as long as you have players looking for roleplaying and not hack-and-slash. I spruced up the carnival and kept adding games as players idly suggested "Do they have any X?" or "You know what a traditional goliath game is?"
Ran it and turned this two-hour into a six-hour-long festival of silliness and then creepiness. The only thing it lacks is a proper map for the room of the final encounter. Or at least an idea of how large it actually is.
I've only run this once and I don't do a lot of DMing, so it's quite possible that I don't have the skills to make this module shine. The concept is a nice change of pace from your standard hack-and-slash, but it takes a lot of work on the DM's part to fill in the blanks. It has everything you could want--creepy carnival, creepy clowns, creepy maze, etc., but it somehow seems less than the sum of its parts. It might actually be better to run everything but the combats theater of the mind and not try to design and draw an entire carnival on the grid. I ran it with several people I know and play with regularly who were willing to play a RP-heavy module, but it still felt like I had to railroad pretty hard to keep them moving forward. This is not something I'd want to run with a table, especially a full table, put together at the last minute with complete strangers.
I'm always a fan of roleplaying modules, and this one is no exception. This does a very good job of keeping you on pace: if you have plenty of time, you can roleplay more, otherwise, it tells you how many activities they can get into before continuing. A very funny irony that the mission giving NPC is ignored by everyone, and everyone has a tale to share about her that makes her seem crazy. But she is right this time! This also has a pretty challenging final boss with neat tactics! I would recommend this to anyone.
Quick module, nice RP, cool concept. Really the only downside is the magic item. The module can go more than 2H if you let your players roleplay