Attempted brevity leaves little actual content.
Dark Rites at Fort Dalton is written to be played in two hours or less. That's a tough goal for a 5E adventure, and the module suffers for it at every turn. There's barely a complete adventure here, and what little you do get is generic, linear and stale.
"As all good adventurers do, the party has accepted the role of bandit hunter." That's a direct quote, and it sets the tone for what follows. If you've played a Season 2 AL module, you've seen all this before, most specifically in The Drowned Tower. There's an isolated location, water cultists, water-themed monsters. Everything is by the numbers. There's "exploration", but it's meaningless. There's a quick social chat before each fight, but they're mostly just to set the tactical position that each fight starts in.
For a module that's effectively just three boring combats, it's worth mentioning that no maps are included in the module. There's no battlemaps or exploration maps, despite some of the locations in the module being keyed to numbers. The locations are small and generic enough that it really doesn't matter, but it's another sign of a module that ends up feeling rushed and incomplete. An included Fantasy Grounds conversion presumably has some maps, but as I don't use FG I can't comment on that aspect.
If you're playing through all of Season 2 Adventurer's League, this adventure just begs to be skipped. There's nothing here you haven't done before, and better, and nothing that happens here matters to the overall season plot.
I can't recommend it.
Note: If you're an actual Adventurer's League player, this adventure has a nice item - the Sentinel Shield - but if you're playing crappy adventures just to power up your AL character then I have to say that you're doing Dungeons and Dragons wrong. (Opinions! I've got lots of them!)