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DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e) $4.99
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DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
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DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Roger M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/30/2022 13:39:15

More homebrew than a timed module. The over the mountain choice is just mainly combat and long rest. Once you get to part 2 things can get interesting and occasionally drag. You will have to take notes and remember which NPCs are good or bad. The final combat is interesting. I would run this as homebrew only and shove some the part 1 combats together in the same day.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Greg T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2020 06:39:29

A huge module with the potential for greatness: This is NOT your average Adventurer's League module. Featuring two entirely separate overland journeys, each containing multiple unique and memorable encounters, followed by a sprawling miniature city with dozens of named characters, this feels more like the spine of an entire campaign than an AL one-shot. You will not finish this module in four hours, or even six hours. And it ends on a cliffhanger - the story's only halfway over, and continues in DDEX2-13 The Howling Void!

My heart goes out to anyone who sat down at a regular AL night and tried to get through this monster. It can't be done. But for those running this in a different setting, who have the time and space to let the module breathe, this is a highly recommendable outing, and one of the best efforts of Adventurer's League Season 2.

Let's start with the weaknesses. First: yes, there are two entirely different versions of the first half of the module, based on which of two roads players decide to take. They'll only see one of them. This is ridiculous over-design, especially as both paths are really great adventurers, and it's heartbreaking as a DM to see what the players are missing.

Second: the monastery is just too big and unstructured. There are dozens of named characters in here. Some have short roleplaying notes. Others have none. There's no map of the area. Most of the NPCs, and indeed most of what they have to say, are red herrings, and players could lose hours diving down rabbit holes that lead nowhere without the DM keeping a firm hand on things.

And thirdly: Encounter balance is all over the place. Early encounters threaten frost giants and remorhazes for players who have no real chance of opposing them. Later ones are problematic. The final battle is either trivially easy or overwhelmingly difficult depending on how long players take to reach it, with no real chance of tuning it to a happy medium.

BUT - oh, the content that's there. Almost none of what's in the module feels stale or done to death. Encounters routinely break the Adventurer's League mold, including a remorhaz rodeo, a friendly giant druid, and more. The detail is there for DMs to make each section as long or as short as player interest demands, and if players ask you a worldbuilding question, the chances are the answer is right there in the module. The final battle is thematically climactic, even if the difficulty is off, and the cliffhanger ending is potentially exciting. It feels like there's just too many ideas here to fit into Adventurer's League, and they're bursting out at the seams.

Overall, I highly recommend the module - with the two caveats that you will need enough time to run it, and you will need to run the sequel as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by lowell s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2019 13:42:05

Season 2 module. m8 hour long fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by G. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2019 05:49:22

This module is tough to DM.

There first ~4 hours of the module are two completely independent tracks that you arguably need to prep seperately (and which therefore double that part's prep time).

The "exploration/sleuthing" section once the party gets to the monsastary is almost entirely going to be ad-lib'd. A section that requires lots of quick thought and improvisation is tough when, by that point, you've alread been running for around 4-5 hours.

Finally, the fight up the tower can very easily bog down due to the sheer number of things that can get sucked into the combat. Both times I ran it, the party managed to attract the attention of almost the entire tower at once which meant huge inititatives with dozens of creatures for me to deal with.

All of that said, though, the "mystery/sleuthing" section is lots of fun for players as it is extremely open-ended and is one of the least "on-rails" things anywhere in AL.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Dennis R H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2018 12:08:49

The module has many things going for it. It has a lot of player agency options in how to execute the quest overall. The challenges are solid and the story integration with other adventures is positive.

The downside, which isn't really a unique downside, is how easily some magic items can break the mod. Ever since White Plume, Wind Walk is available to many groups. This basically turns this from an 8-hour mod into a 4-hour mod.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Julia N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2018 15:16:40

This was a solid adventure, but it requires a lot more prep than most because (a) it will take at least 8 hours to run, (b) there are many paths players may take, and (c) the mechanic of the end battle took me a bit of time to parse. That said, there's something for all types here (role-players, investigators, fighters, explorers), and it's a great lead-in to the Howling Void, which was a player favorite for this season. Due to the overland travel portion of the adventure, my ranger player actually got a chance to use her ranger abilities for once (even if not in her favored terrain), which doesn't happen often in AL.


  • high replayability because of the variety of options players can choose in part 1 and part 2
  • great opportunities for roleplay throughout
  • good mix of threats from the environment, monsters, and humanoids
  • interesting mechanic in the final battle


  • combat-oriented parties will likely get bogged down in the investigation section
  • takes a lot of extra preparation to run smoothly
  • very abrupt end to the adventure (no conclusion box text, minimal summary)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Jesse P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/09/2018 16:51:50

Overall a good module. Multitudes of choices create a customized journey to the end. Plus who doesnt like saving monks? Is a bit long though so make sure you are in for the night.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Blake J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/04/2017 11:45:52

I think the story of the module is very intereting as a player, and making sure that the players understand what is going on is important. I especially loved going through the temples and rescuing people from the various spheres as well as the interesting variety of encounters you face. I do think that, because it is an 8 hour module, it's hard to keep the energy up because of the length of time it is.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Joshua N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2017 14:52:10

Recommend Purchase: Yes Playing this adventure counts towards the Season 2 quest: 'Benefits of the Brotherhood of the Cloaks' XP Range: 6000-8000

Note: No Season 1, 2, or 3 module has a digital certificate to print because WotC says they can't accept volunteer help for legal reasons and won't allow their paid employees to create the certificates even though they have the templates.

The DMSGUILD site segregates reviews between people who've purchased it here and everyone else. They do NOT have a robust rating system, relying instead on the 5-star model.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Kyle D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/15/2017 18:23:01

The mod needs to be gone through by an editor to clean up the typing. Being a longer mod it can wear the group down so a lot of pressure on the DM to be very familiar witht he adventure.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDEX2-09 Eye of the Tempest (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Chester C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/12/2017 22:44:46

Eye of the Tempest is different from other adventures because of the adventure being complex. It has a good hook and good story and the hard part about it is the constructing and fixing of the events such as the monastery part. The adventure has good replayability due to the events that may change in different adventures there are 2 ways to travel to the monastery and each has random events/encounters that can be different each time you run the adventure. The monastery part has some investigating and information gathering needed so there is a bit of roleplay and thinking here. The final combat has a mechanic and overall the adventure needs to be understood and read thoroughly by the DM before they can run it. The adventure takes a long time to finish and may need multiple sessions to finish the entire adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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