Finally, the Pool of Radiance: The entirety of Season 1 of Adventurer's League was based on the Pool of Radiance videogame and its accompanying 1E module, Ruins of Adventure. There have been hints all season that the Cult of the Dragon is looking for the Pool of Radiance.
So now, with only two modules left in the season, someone remembers that oops, we'd better actually have the Pool of Radiance turn up. And it does, and it's... underwhelming. It's hard to say what would have been satisfying, but this largely isn't it.
I should probably mention that this module completely ignores the lore about Pools of Radiance built up in the novels Pool of Twilight and Pools of Darkness - but that's fine, as Realms canon generally has done its best to ignore those two books and instead rely on their videogame versions (if they have to mention them at all). Which would bother me less if the Tomb of Miltiades hadn't been mentioned elsewhere in the season (and located in entirely the wrong place) but that's another story.
The module's placement in the overall Season 1 story is awkward. There is a certain outcome of events here that the module clearly wants: Vorgansharax needs to get some water from the Pool, in order to invoke Tyranthraxus and have the foreshadowed callback to the original Pool of Radiance adventure. And this is the outcome that AL canon has accepted happened. But making it happen is... difficult. With luck, and good players, and deft DMing, you can pull it off, but otherwise you may have to let it go in order to avoid railroading players in ways they won't appreciate, or cheating them of their deserved victory.
Putting aside the continuity issues, does it stand on its own merits? Largely yes. The substantive encounters are nuanced and memorable, particularly everything after players actually arrive at the crater. The feature enemy is a nice touch, and is something that hasn't turned up in AL Season 1 prior to this point.
It does feature the same problem of many AL modules, in that the process of actually getting to the main event is tedious and pointless. There's a brave effort to make use of the 5E travelling rules, and thereby throw a bone to any rangers in the party, but those rules are terrible and boring and interacting with them does no-one any favours. A random encounter table is included, featuring some interesting encounters, but neither the pacing of the plot nor the time limits of Adventurer's League will permit you to use it. (Nor are random encounter tables ever a particularly good idea.)
Again, DMs should do their best to minimise the overland travel, and get players to the crater as quickly as possible. Once there, it's a serviceable module.