A generic but flexible intro to 5E.
The module consists of five short mini-adventures, each running in about 60 to 90 minutes.
We used this in our home group as the module we ran on the same night as character creation, knowing that rolling characters would take most of the night and therefore we could play as many or as few mini-adventures afterwards as we have time for.
The mini-adventures vary in quality. There's three traditional very short dungeon crawls, which are all about standard for this kind of thing. There's a mystery/investigation plot, which would be good except that the underlying mystery is disappointing and random. And there's a plot which sees the players running a sting operation on an illegal dragon egg sale, which is the best of the bunch by a fair margin with lots of opportunity for comedy, suspense and action.
Despite the underlying theme of the mini-adventures ("something is going on with dragons"), they're all very low stakes and don't exactly create an epic feel for the ongoing campaign. None of the NPCs here get used again in the adventure path, and there's not a lot of opportunity for players to have a personal stake in any of these outside of their faction contacts. Nor is anything that happens particularly memorable - there's a strong sense of having done all this before in D&D many, many times.
That said, it's solid, it's easy to run, it's flexible, and my players had fun.