The gentlefolks from Kobold press once again provide us with some interesting reading material in the form of Larger than Life. Ill be honest here listeners, I am not sure what I expected when I acquired this particular tome, but what I received overawes whatever it was. I will save you all a bit of reading here and in fact if you don’t feel like scrolling to the bottom you can stop right here. This is purely my opinion, Fangbjorn in case you thought Antonio was typing these out. GO GET THIS BOOK. That being said, read on to discover why I recommend this work so highly.
The work put into this is of the same caliber of work as everything they produce, which isn’t exactly unexpected. Credits for the design go to Mr. Mike Welham, and art credits belong to Bruno Balixa, Micah Epstine, Malcom McClinton, Addison Rankin, David Rabbitte, Jason Rainville, Bryan Syme and cover art by Florian Stitz. Now that the quality of work is noted as excellent it is high time to move on to the particulars.
The book as I said overawed me when I dove into it the first time. It is, for lack of a better description, a full anthropological breakdown of the many races of Giants. The gang is all there too. Storm giants and Cloud giants, Hill, Stone, Fire, Frost and a brand new breed in the form of the Thursir. Ever wondered what a Hill giant arcane caster looked like? I know I have, I have even attempted to make giant NPC's and PC's. Well now, with this book, you get eight NPC's who have been generated for you, as well as a damned good idea of how to go about making one or many for yourself! The well written sections are accented with beautiful illustrations and over all it is a solid addition to any fantasy game library.
Within each section are included several sub-sections, the opening paragraphs give an overall idea of who and what the particular race of giants are. This is followed by a comprehensive treatise on the normal lives and customs of each giant type. When I say comprehensive I mean it, it goes farther in depth than any monster supplement I have ever read. Social organization, religious practices, and how they interact with the other races are all included in full detail. Then we move on to more specific rules pertaining to the giant race in question. Racial rules, which include race specific feats, spells known only to that race of giants, and magical items that they may have or create. Also race specific equipment that they often have in their homes or on their person. I'm not exaggerating when I say I am very much in love with this book. It is awesome to see this much love and devotion given to an often underutilized monster and you guys and gals know how we feel about our monsters. Enough digression. Also included are a fully fleshed out NPC with a back story and full stat listing. Then, finally, a collection of story or adventure seeds to get the creative juices flowing for those of you who like us love to hare off on any excuse to take an adventure to another world.
To sum it all up, Larger than Life is beautifully put together. The artwork from cover to cover is gorgeous, and the attention to detail and the care involved in bringing these monsters to the fore is beyond admirable. Mr. Welham did an amazing job of fleshing out an already fun to play with group of creatures and making them into what they should have been from the very beginning. Awe inspiring, town devastating, GIANT FREAKING MONSTERS! The PGP wholeheartedly gives Larger than Life from Kobold Press a 9.5/10.
As an aside. When I went over all of this with Antonio, you should have heard him cackling like a mad thing. I feel for whomever he runs next through a fantasy setting. I can only envision a phalanx of Fire Giants descending upon whatever castle or fort his hapless party of adventurers happen to have hold up in.
This is Fangbjorn for the Players Guide Podcast signing off for now. Keep your dice close to hand, and play more games.