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100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower

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100 Oddities for a Wizard\'s Tower
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100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Alex U. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2016 07:33:45

The oddities section is a great playing aid, providing mundane to minimal powered items that add character and intrrigue to a rooms. The rooms and entrance/exit sections I did not find as useful. If my players are in a wizard's tower, I generally have designed that tower and am not looking for a random mix of elements.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Billy W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2016 20:37:35

At first glance the Oddities books seem like a fun little one off but not that much more. I however am here to tell you that they are hands down one of the most interesting ways to create story hooks and adventure seeds that I could have ever hoped for. We are going to do a full on review of the three books that we have recieved thus far in the coming days on our website but if you are a listener of the PGP you will know that we have done story generation on the show using these books.

I feel as though I should mention that we were given review copies of these books but even had I purchased them myself I would still be happy to report on their awesomeness. Wizards Tower makes it not only easy to populate the bastion of a mage or warlock but it actually makes it fun. Check this out if you want to make memorable and varied magical fortresses for the various spell slingers in your world.

Fangbjorn from the PlayersGuidePodcast

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Tom H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2016 21:36:38

Another win by the lads at Skirmisher. This is the second "100 Oddities" supplement I have had the pleasure of looking through. I loved their "100 Oddities for a Graveyard" entry and the Wizard's Tower is no less detailed and useful for GMs. With this book you don't just get the 100 entries for strange things and situations the players may stumble on. You also get additional d20 and d12 tables to help you build the structure, flavour and feel of the Tower. This could be used to help create a careful, pre-planned adventure or used on the fly as a type of "tower randomizer".

The entries on all of the tables included in this book are colourful and have enough detail for plenty of adventure hooks or just cool random bits that can add to any scenario. Some entries are darkly humorous, others frightening and some just plain weird or disturbing. Perfect!

Check all of these GMing gems by Skirmisher out, they are well worth it and very reasonably priced.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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