I lost my original copy and found it here! Man, was I glad. This is a GREAT product for adventure designers and even story writers (which I have used this for with great success).
There are different parts to this, and my favorite and most used was the Adventure Cookbook, which consists of a detailed breakdown of possible settings, themes,plot hooks, pc goals, and lots more. You can roll randomly or pick and choose. It goes over villain choices, making memorable henchman, possible red herrings for PC's, and the list just keeps going.
Included are a plethera of design forms and templates to flowchart your story or adventure. Don't listen to the previous reviewer who said the forms are already filled out. There are sample forms filled out to give you an idea of how to use them, and then the blank versions also.
Warning...if you only like pointless dungeon crawls with very little story, you may not like this product. If you love depth to the campaign, and want it worthy of an epic novel, this may help.