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Publisher: Zozer Games
by Rob L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/01/2019 14:19:32

Elegant and simple no-fuss combat/task resolution rules for Cepheus. Does what it says on the tin. If you want something faster and easier than the vanilla rules, this set of options may be just the treat. And at no cost, what have you got to lose?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Babylon On Which Fame and Jubilation Are Bestowed
Publisher: Shukamu Press
by Rob L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/17/2017 04:13:17

If your leanings are towards gritty sword & sorcery, or you are tired of the usual pseudo-medieval worlds of most fantasy RPGs and are looking for something different, then look no further. This is a roleplaying game set in the ancient world of Mesopotamia around the time of Hammu-rapi (approximately 1767BCE).

The background material presented is very rich in detail, and it is clear to me that the author is expert in this period of history. The content refers to original Ancient Mesopotamian terms, and even provides the relevant cuneiform text! Impressive. In presenting the background, the author assumes that, whilst some players will want to play in a fantastical version of Mesopotamia, others will want something more historically authentic; both approaches appear catered for.

Although the game uses a somewhat altered version of Pathfinder/d20, it seems to me that part of the philosophy behind this book is that it will be used by players in their own preferred system. My view is that this work should be readily convertible to other systems, especially derivatives of d20 (my preference is for OSR type games, and I see no difficulty in conversion). Again, another feather in the hat of wider appeal.

In sum, there are few enough good RPG books out there set in Ancient Mesopotamia (others I would recommend being Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia, and Testament), and this is a welcome addition. Given the rich detail this work contains, I consider it my 'go to' source for roleplaying in this historical era. It also has one of the best names for an RPG I’ve ever come across. Recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Babylon On Which Fame and Jubilation Are Bestowed
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Monster Manual (1e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Rob L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/16/2017 14:44:56

Received the POD hardback today, and I must say that I am very pleased with it. It is a delight to see the book back in print (so my 1977/1978 Games Workshop softback version can now take a rest...). The quality of the scans (if that is what they are) is top notch. Very happy customer. Thank you WotC (and DriveThru).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monster Manual (1e)
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STALKER - The SciFi Roleplaying Game
Publisher: Burger Games
by Rob L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/04/2012 12:59:25

I have to say that STALKER RPG is one of the most evocative and superb roleplaying books I've read since I started gaming (over thirty years ago now). I'm unashamedly old school, and so have no real interest in the FLOW system per se (ok, I'm probably missing something, but that's just me). However, STALKER is very rules lite; only a small proportion of the book is given over to rules, the rest is background presented without any game stats.

Thus, STALKER RPG, being mainly a (generic) background book, presents no problems in applying the material to any major dice-based system (BRP, D20, GURPS, Savage Worlds, whatever). So, for those who may be hesitant about the FLOW system, don't be. Get the book and apply the beautifully pitched background to your system of choice.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
STALKER - The SciFi Roleplaying Game
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2300 AD Man's Battle for the Stars
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Rob L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2007 09:10:53

This is a very fine game. The task system is flexible and easy to operate, allowing the Referee to generate rules on the cuff. Combat is fast, furious, and straight forwards. A nice hang-over from Traveller is the fact that player characters can start the game as experienced veterans.

The background is definitely in the 'hard' SF school, and presents one of the most interesting backgrounds I've ever seen. Alien races are well-designed and thought-out, but unlike many SF backgrounds, alien races are not overly thick on the ground.

The potential of the background is enormous. For example, the it can easily accommodate Earth-bound gritty noir-type adventures, stellar exploration (this seemed to be an staple of the original game), politics and intrigue, and so on.

The game has a whole load of supporting material in the form of supplements, so there is plenty for referees and players to get their teeth into.

Overall, IMHO, this is one of the best SF games around.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
2300  AD Man's Battle for the Stars
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