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Witches' Brews & Potions $1.25
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Witches\' Brews & Potions
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Witches' Brews & Potions
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/12/2022 09:27:21

Originally posted here:

Witches' Brews & Potions

PDF. 9 pages. 1 cover, 1 title/contents page. Interestingly enough, no OGL.

The is largely a set of tables and various notes on brewing various items including potions, but nothing game-specific.

Given the randomness of the tables they work, but produce all sorts of strange results. Now sometimes this is great, but for a game like Pathfinder or d20 D&D there are very specific ingredients used. It would be good for an OSR-style game.

Since the material here is not really game-specific it would work for any sort of game really.

I could use this as a GM tool to get me started, but I tend to make potions that have very specific ingredients related to their effects.

The best use for me would be to use it to determine what any one particular witch has in her cupboards. Now that idea makes this product much more useful to me!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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