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i will be speaking on the Physical print.
AD&D 2e is an interesting edition, that many claim its the best of Old School D&D or the worse because it provided nothing that 1e hasn't already provided.
regardless of your feelings on the AD&D editions, this print is solid! my only complaint, is that i wish we can get a hardcover POD, but i'm okay with the paperback.
this is the DMG so it is everything you need as a DM to run your own campaign of AD&D 2e. the printing is solid, and expect some wrapping due to some of the ink of the art and such, other than that, it's worth the investment.
overall, great print, the scans aren't noticable and it's just great to have a physical copy of this edition.
Demon the Descent gets a bad rap because it isn't the christian demons and angels from old WoD, but angels that were created by the God-Machine and have "fallen" because they started asking why?
the best example of this game is the matrix, agent smith how he was broken free and just does his own thing in where it affecting the plans and programs of the matrix. blade runner is another example in the neo-noir that you're constantly on the run from the god-machine and trying not to be discovered.
this game is a really fun gritty cat and mouse style chronicles and discovering what it means to be human as well, because the angels were manufactured so they are inhabiting humans as shells.
the hardcover is really solid, the font is good and the art is solid, the information isn't organized well, which at this point, its a constant thing.
give this game a try, and you'll be surprised on how it can be a good time.
i will be speaking on the physical print.
Geist the Sin-Eaters is an interesting setting and game. on one hand you are given a second chance and have a spirit "using" your body, and another where a large group kind of works but sort of doesn't. let me explain.
for a group of 4 players, one plays the main character and the other plays the sin-eater. it leads to some interesting dynamics, but if you have 6 players, it gets challenging because you have the sin eaters want to do stuff and the main player is struggling. that may be the design, but it's something to be mindful of.
the game itself is fun, i have one sin-eater player with a group of vampires and werewolves, and it's pretty interesting. the physical book is great quality, the art is solid, and the cover stands out as well. par for the course for Onyx Path books is the convoluted setup.
overall, its a fun game for a one off, and if they want to use the sin eater for a chronicle, it's better for one player.
i will be speaking on the hardcover POD of the book.
the book is really good, the paper isn't premium but that's not a deal breaker, and the printing is solid. the only way i know its a scan is the world maps, and even then, the maps are pretty clear to read. that said, if you need a print of the maps, you can get the pdf as the scan is great quality.
as for the game itself, the love for Basic D&D is real here! i love the information, the lore, and the passion bleeds in the text! and the expanse lore is soooo in depth that it gives you the list of books of each reigon and it is really well in depth.
this book also has the Adnd conversion section, so if you want to add this to your Adnd games, it explains how to do it.
overall, i love the book, and i definitely recommend this POD hardcover.
this is an EXCELLENT tool for helping build a campaign or dungeon, etc if you're stuck on designing your world and stuff for your players to do.
the pdf said for Sword & Wizardy and the Pathfinder game, it works for any D&D and OSR type game.
i got the PDF and physical copy, so i will be reffering to the physical copy.
its no secret that Original Dungeons and Dragons is convoluted yet it is an interesting piece of gaming history that many like myself, find interesting and want to try a gaming session with those rules.
Swords & Wizardy is solid and clear on the rules, and with the OGL it adds optional modern rules to make the game much more easier to understand and play. my brother and i did a dungeon crawl and had a blast! he was thinking smart, using his henchmen and one of them ran away due to failed morale roll and one of them died and his character died. it sucked but we had so much fun, and he wanted to make another character.
the PDF this isn't an issue, but the book, all of the information isn't laid out clearly, your saving throws are in different pages etc.
the fact that it's the low low cost of free is great! i paid to get the book so i'm really happy with this, it's a thin hardcover book, so it'll fit your book shelf pretty well.
if you're curious about OD&D but want sometime that emulates it well, this is highly recommended!
the pdf is what i will be reffering to in this review
this book is how Vampire should feel and look. meaty and introduces a new clan, and shows how Chicago's night life is and it is really a vampire game.
Onyx Path knows more about Vampire than Paradox does, and it shows in the writing. the art is really well done and the windy city is a legendary setting for your chronicle in the ctiy. what the landscape is, how the Camerilla run the city, where are the Anarchs, and how the Lasombra play in their rise in the Camerilla.
this is an excellent place to start for your new STs and the Lasombra are a great clan to play as, although the Oblivion power is something i feel shouldn't have been re-worked but it works.
definitely worth getting this sourcebook
i purchased the Deluxe edition so i'll talk about the physical copy primarily.
this game is... interesting, in the wrong reasons. on one hand, it is accessible to new players to get into, as a ST it is a nightmare to find information, but that's par for the course for WoD books. mechanically the blood hunger mechanic is solid! i like the potential for my players to lose themselves to the beast.
the complaints that fans have about V5 have some merits to them. the discplines aren't unique, i'm not sure its to streamline them from V20 to not make your vampire a marvel superhero, or streamline for the sake of streamlining unintentionally creating singularity, no one stands out and everyone blends into one.
the art is a mixed bag, subjectively, my biggest pet peeve is how the nosfuratu are pretty, which defeats the purpose of playing a vampire that wears its curse. while you can roll your eyes on this and say, well that's subjective. true, however when the text say you're hideous and the art says otherwise, one of these things are not like the other. this goes back to my point of vampire singularity. the deluxe edition alternative cover is pretty cool which i prefer.
if you're a new player and are intimidated by V20, this is a good starting point, and slowly homebrew some mechanics from this game to V20, as V20 is the definitive vampire game. the issue here as well, and this is due to it being a supported edition, that all of the clans and more merits are in different books. in theory, that can work, however, if you have Banu Haqim in the Camerilla book, and Lasombra in Chicago by Night, that's like what? it's really weird. i rather have like a Clans handbook with the other missing clans than one here and one here, just weird.
overall, as i said, the complaints of this edition are legit, and while it has solved one problem for the blood pool, it created more by not having vampires stand out based on their clans and power, and unintentionally created a vampiric singularity, everyone is equal yet no one stands one. sure you can roleplay your flaws and take merits with those flaws, the text some times doesn't support that. that's my opinion on that.
i have the physical and pdf version, so i will be referencing the physical book.
this is a soucrebook, this book allows you to be able to essentially punch cthluhu in the face. which you know, it's fun!
the setting is in the 1930s or whatever setting your campaign is in, and a few key features in this book:
1) Hero Archetypes, this are specific abilities to your character, think class stat benefits from dnd and you're on the right track. you get additional 100 points for skills and additional talents and traits.
2) increased HP. Base CoC your health isn't very high, at most it can be 12-15hp lowest 7-9hp. in pulp, the hp is double digits so when building your character, it is encouraged to get higher stats.
3) this is more action oreinted, sure you can definitely role play, it's still the foundation of CoC, combat you have a much better chance of walking away, and Luck plays a much bigger role in pulp cthulhu.
if you want an Indiana Jones, or 1990s The Mummy like adventures, this is a fun game.
as of this review, 2nd edition isn't out so i am reviewing the 1.5 edition (with Mortal Remains)
unfortunately they don't have the hardcover POD, but personally doesn't bother me.
this is a game where you can fight the supernatural, however, over time you will go insane from the constant horrors and eventually, go mad, if you have the slasher book, become a serial killer.
this is a really fun game for new players who want to get into the Chronicles of Darkness line of games.
this game, is... interesting, on one hand it is the definitive book that shows how Chronicles of Darkness themes and tone should be! i mean, playing as a frankenstein monster? all the while being chased, hunted down, while trying to atain humanity? it's really good!
i bought the physical book and it stands out nicely on my book shelf!
the positives aside, my biggest problem with this game, is that it isn't group friendly. this game is perfect for one-on-one play, however it's really difficult to have 2-4 players play a Promethean. however, if you want a Promethean, they work for a mixed Chronicles game, and they make great antagonists and npcs.
i give this a 4 star because while the themes here are excellent, gameplay wise, it works only for one on one play, but it's great information for a NPCs or antagonist.
an essential for more options for players and characters. this book has options to make youre look like a specific animal. it's out there, but creative!
another essential book for cyberpunk, this book is great for tech, fashion, and more cybernetic options.
i wish majority of rpg books do this, have a book with all of the weapons from all of the source books in one book. it is literally a book of guns. it's super handy for your players and rping shopping.
THE sourcebook to have for your Cyberpunk game! it's a reason why it is considered an ESSENTIAL book. while the cyberpunk 2020 book had information on Night City, this book expands on every building, street, where is where, what street gangs runs what, and so on.
get it! you won't regret it!