This is another OSE (formerly BX Essentials) helpful book. It is designed to bring the ADnD 1e classes (with Unearthed Arcanna classes and races) into the Basic/Expert game (instead of making BX play more like ADnD). As such, race as class is still the default, but there are options for spitting the two. You do need the companion Druid and Illusionist Spells to get the most out of this volume. The Druid, Bard, and Ranger make use of Druid spells; the Illusionist and Gnome make use of Illusionist spell. NB there is no Monk.
I have players using the Barbarian and gnome currently. They blend nicely with the other classes and no one feels overshadowed or nerfed. The fact that the classes are complete on a two page spread is really nice, no flipping back and forth. Also, it makes it easy to print out a class for a new player to use. The layout is helpful throughout and the art is wonderfully inspiring.