Every once in awhile I go looking through the stock art section to see what's on sale. Sometimes I find something that looks like a good collection for the right price, sometimes I don't.
The Arcane Publishers Edition Vol 6 is one of the deals that turned out to be a good investment.
What do you get? 63 TIF images of things ranging from armor to elves. Although the focus is elves, many of the character graphics really are ambiguous enough to be attributed to other species or factions and no one would really be the wiser.
I paid $10 on sale for this image pack, but I think the full price of $25 (at the time of this writing) is still quite reasonable. The quality of the art is there, and the composition is good, too. All too often an artist will capture one or the other, but not both. This artist has managed to do both quite well, at least in my opinion.
Now, looking through the set, a lot of the armor and weapons graphics I probably would not be able to use with the project I have in mind, but they would be perfect for some sort of an item book, or for populating a faux merchant's catalog ala the stock found in games like the old NES Dragon Warrior series (that's the first use that springs to mind). They really do look nice.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: High quality art, good composition, large selection. Quite a bargain considering the number of art pieces that you get out of this collection.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: No real dislikes, per se. It might have been better to split this product into two separate sets, one for armor/weapons and one for character graphics, but combining the two isn't an issue -- especially at a $15 discount since I bought it on special!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>