The City Altharid Built sets a high standard for adventures. You don't get this level of DM aides anywhere else. This is definitely worth the price on so many levels.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much! It is reviews like this that make all the work well worth it! |
The design of the layout, the content, the feel- this book is amazing.
This is one of the greatest roleplaying books of all time. Not only does it provide new, inspired, creation tables and powers it also compiles the old ones to make it an absolute must buy. The level of creativity in the player options is unparalleled.
This is terrible. I have made better notes mid session while talking about something else. The ideas aren't bad but they most definitely aren't unique or even completely executed. Come on, really? Most people wouldn't even think to charge for this. Ridiculous.
Creator Reply: |
I am sorry you did not enjoy it :(
In hindsight they are not terribly unique, but they are good if you need something quick and you cannot figure out something right away I thought so anyway! :)
I do appreciate your review though! If you got any tips of things I should change do let me know, outside of the charging a dollar :) |
Post-Apocahantas Dystopian Scifi complete with subfactions of natives accepting new normal, rejecting new normal or dying in droves due to either infighting or the diseases the colonists brought with them. The colonizers are not well fleshed out but they are real guilty about all this.
Every part of the setting seems truncated, perhaps so that you can flesh it out, yourselves. I would love to see more details on the setting in future sourcebooks. Right now, the game has enough detail to get you started, if you're creative.
The system is pretty light but with enough substance to support it's mechanics and character creation is marvelously easy. Jumping in and understanding it would hardly be an effort for experienced roleplayers and new players wouldn't have to spend months learning fine details and esoteric mechanics.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the great review, Tom. That's exactly what I was going for. I wanted to keep the setting open and allow GMs to create whatever they wanted. The basic setting is implied through the character class narratives, the journal entry in the beginning of the book, as well as the character creation section for each race (Human, Mutant, and Bellati), but the GM will be required to fill in the details. I am always changing prewritten campaigns to fit with my group's style anyway, so it's just my personal preference to leave out those specifics; I'd rather just do it myself. If you are a brand new RPGs I don't think you could hop into Residuum and just play. But for anybody that has run a campaign or built a world, this game should feel like a comfortable transition with lots of freedom. Plus, I did include some world building tactics (complete with idea seeds) in a chapter for GMs, so you will have some tools at your disposal.
Thanks for the purchase, and I hope you enjoy!
This was great! I would separate this into three categories of tonal feel: Firstly, a few tracks of this are 'story builders' that you would have in the background while, for instance, investigating a conspiracy. Secondly, A couple of the tracks are great combat tracks - strong tempo but, not too many abrupt changes in volume or unsettling shifts in instrument. Finally, there are a couple good boss fight tracks that have just enough despair in them to rule out regular ole combat.
The art might be cute but, this is, hands-down, the best version of a witch class to grace D&D so far. There was just one archetype (out of 6) that I felt got the short shrift in conversion to D&D but it is still thematically sound and that may be most important in an endeavour like this supplement.
A good, quick adventure. You could run it as written but, it's got enough room in it to customize. A good buy.
This is the setting for your wilderness party. Rangers, Druids and other wilderness focused PCs have a chance to shine. A colorful environment that looms large and becomes, not only a feature but, a character unto itself. A must for Midgard fans.