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The Last Parsec: Core $9.99
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The Last Parsec: Core
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The Last Parsec: Core
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Mason E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/17/2020 15:26:24

The Last Parsec is a little different than all the other Savage Worlds settings. This one does not have a single, master story arc going on in the background (like the Deadlands and ETU stories) and is a lot more open. But, that does not mean that story potential lacks. It also does not mean that you can't run a Plot Point Campaign in the Last Parsec. In fact, the supplements to this Core book provide some very nice Plot Point Campaigns. But, for opening up a galaxy of potential, that's where The Last Parsec excels. Make sure you get the SF companion.

I've started running this game for my friends using the One-Sheet (free on Pinnacle's Web site) of "The Unexpected Colony." The game flows quite smoothly and feels a lot more Science Fiction than if we were playing a Space Fantasy game. I think I might have just found my favorite setting for Savage Worlds...

And, as a side note, the conversion over to SWADE is incredibly simple. And, yes, I'd like to see a SWADE update to this product, but until then, I am completely able to run these stories in SWADE with the free conversion document available through Pinnacle.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Last Parsec: Core
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Peter C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/15/2016 12:41:16

A Savage Worlds fairly by -the-numbers science fiction setting with the usual assortment of aliens,hyper ftl spaceships,robots and all that. The deaders are one example-worms that attach themselves to the recently deceased and use the bodies in a parasitic /symbiotic manner. Support includes short fiction and the one story I read involved a Deader who avenges its host's recent death so a bit too like Dax from Deep Space Nine.

I wonder whether the pitcher has been to this well too many times

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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