Normally, I don't even LIKE archers. I usually recommend my players all have some sort of missile weapon, but with the penalties for firing into melee, and the loss of AoOs, and the whatnot, it's never seemed useful for any PC worth their pants to focus too heartily on pointy-shooting. However, this book did much to change that opinion, to the point where I'm actually almost afraid of archers now. From modding the ranger class to a more palatable, hunting-style class, to adding character concepts, to the feats and new weapons, this book has everything you need to make archer an exciting and crucial component of any campaign. But what I like most is the magical weapons, because the idea of providing a detailed description and history for weapons that may be nothing more than a flaming burst longbow helps draw a campaign away from 3e's magic-store quality, back to when having that +1 bow and a quiver of arrows actually meant something. Dangit.