Interesting book with some good ideas (Im trying an archer ranger right now and having fun).
Pros: Nice Magic items,The core setup for archer/ArchRanger is a nice idea, The ArcRang gets a choice of "wild abilites" I'll probably sub these in for the PHB Rangers automatic favored enemy, some interesting PrCs.
Cons: NOT 3.5 REVISED!!!-with Intuit direction and Animal Empathy on the Arc/Rang skill list this is a big sign that the revision is bunk (never bought the earler version for true comaprison).Many feats are all ready covered in the the core rules-i.e. double knock just comes off as a renamed manyshot.
Still a good steal at $1, and worth considering if focusing on archers for $5, though I'd hesiate to pay 15~20 for a print version