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Musha Shugyo RPG: Hyper Armor
Publisher: Acchiappasogni
by Marco V. R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2015 07:30:13

This is an excellent Expansion Module for Musha Shugy RPG! You can play any setting with armors such as Saint Seiya, Ronin Warriors or anything you have in mind! The new rules are very useful and introduce also some interpretative bonus that can be used to power up your character giving him more power through acting. For what concers armors, they can be adapted to any setting you want, from fantasy to sci-fi and they give a new strategical view to the fighting system. This is possible thanks to a very simple and well done set of rules that introduces new bonus, symbols and powers . So I recommend to get this Expansion Module and play with it! You won't regret it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Musha Shugyo RPG: Hyper Armor
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