ScreenMonkey is a piece of software designed to allow you to use traditional pen and paper RPGs online. There are a number of these packages about, some free and some commercial. ScreenMonkey is not tied to any particular system and you can (in theory at least) potentially use it with any RPG system.
ScreenMonkey has two main advantages over the competition. It?s 'keep it simple' approach and the fact that only the GM needs the software installed - players simply use their favourite web browser to connect to the game. This is a brilliant idea that really distinguishes it from the rest of the field and this feature, together with its general ease of setup and use are its main selling points, however...
The downside of this simple approach is that the package seriously lacks some features; especially for a piece of software that costs over $30. In fact it is also lacking some very basic utility and in places is 'clunky' enough to be a real headache for the GM - not unworkable or 'buggy', just clunky and clumsy in the way it does certain things. Some critical features (like stats) can't be modified despite it's claim to be extendable and to be honest it feels a little ?pre-alpha? in places.
There also doesn't seem to be a lot of development by nbos at the moment - although this may change now that FM 7.0 and AS 2.0 are finished. This is a real shame because at its core this is a wonderful piece of 'kit'. There is a small but dedicated band of users out there pretty much single handedly dragging this piece of software into the realms of true usability, but when a company doesn't seem to want to support or promote their own product you have to wonder...
You can certainly modify this package yourself to meet you own needs, but to do this you will need a good knowledge of VBScript and HTML. The online documentation is a little sparse though it does its job, but the more technical material assumes you have a good working knowledge of the above two disciplines - there is no beginners guide to modifying ScreenMonkey provided.
Ultimately I would suggest that you try the free 'lite' version before you buy. If it works for your specific needs then the full version is definitely worth getting. If not then don't expect much more in the way of features or utility from the commercial version of ScreenMonkey 1.5 - unless you have a good knowledge of VBScript and HTML.
With a little love and attention this can become a 'stonking' piece of software. Save your money and wait for version 2 (or 3) - I don't know if there will be a version 2 or 3, but if there is you may have a piece of software that both lives up to its true potential (and its price tag). I wouldn't want to see this become bloated or over developed, I like its K.I.S.S., cut-down approach, but it does need to be easier and better organised for GMs to use and modify.
<b>LIKED</b>: Simple to use, easy to set up and if your needs are modest should work brilliantly, especially if your VB and HTML is good.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Undernourished, a little clunky and a bit pricey for something that is generally lacking some very basic features.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>