A cool concept brilliantly executed! This set looks great and is incredibly versatile. As per the usual for Microtactix, the set is easy to build and beautiful to look at.
Another great set of cardstock buildings. The Magic Shop is pretty cool, and the Jail is very versataile. My favorite model, though, is the Dwarven Miner's Union Hall entrance. You don't see that one every day!
Too cool for school, kiddies! They're easy to build, look great, and give your RPG session some atmosphere. I'd have paid $6.00 for the wagons and coaches alone... Of course, the well is really cool, too. If you like building cardstock stuff or you want cool terrain pieces, it's worth the download.
Again, this set is useful because of all the cool different stuff they've included with it. The merchant's stalls are stuff you won't find anywhere else, and the smithy is a challenging but cool building to construct. And $6.00! That's a steal.
Utility is what this set is all about. It isn't every day that you come across such a nice selection of common folk miniatures. You get everything from peasants to merchants to swindlers and the undertaker. And don't forget the livestock! Horses, cows, bulls, goats, donkeys, sheep, and some wolves to prey on them. And to top it all off, they threw in the cool Church House.
The coolest, in my opinion, of the Budget Battlefield army packs. The best part is the Spider Tank, which, when assembled, just looks fantastic. The Shee'Tok are an odd, insectoid race that are different enough to compliment any sci-fi RPG as well.
Of the Cheap Folks sets, this one is my least favorite. The art by Rick Hershey is good, but the characters have too much of a Star Trek feel to them for my liking. I'd have preferred more of Gary Williams stuff from the Starbase Omega 3 buildings set. The shuttlecraft and alien temple are quite useful, though. I'd like to see another sci-fi set, perhaps with a wider variety of aliens and droids.
A geat kit! The undisputed masters of cardstock scenery, MicroTactix, have upgraded the original Vyllage with color and this preview set shows how great the buildings look. The builsings assemble easily and have a great feel to them, especially when they're combined with painted minis or color cardstock minis. Even is you use other sets from different companies, these models will fit right in and add some variety to your fantasy towns. And yeah, they're great for wargaming!
As a wargamer, I prefer simplicity over having dozens of rules for everything. Budget Battlefield is, in my opinion, the best set of wargaming rules you can buy. It covers every time period, comes with 4 cardstock armies with a dozen more available for purchase online. The gameplay is fast and slick, and when you throw in the Battle Magic supplement, it's a riot. The game can also be used to play out skirmish battles, and several skirmish packs are available for purchase, replete with figures and buildings. Download it now!
If you play Mechwarior: Dark Age, these building are a great way to liven up your battlegrounds. Just print 'em, assemble, and play. The set can be completely built in an hour or two. Another useful product from MicroTactix.
A great looking model... but a tough one to assemble.
Pay close attention when building this kit, as the parts are numerous and can be quite tricky to line up. Some slots are missing, which you have to cut yourself, and that can be confusing to new or inexperienced modelers.
While the instructions are brief, they are sufficient. Just pay attention to the numbers, go in order, and test fit everything before you apply glue.