Blood and Space: d20 Starship Adventure Toolkit |
$8.95 $4.00 |
Average Rating:3.9 / 5 |
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So-so. Lots of complexity, but the rules do not fit together all that well. I had a nard time figuring this product out. I really can't recommend it.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
I actually play with the Dragonstar setting, and got this as an add-on to that. The two go quite nicely with each other, and this fills in quite a few of the gaps.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
A nice pdf product for 'hard' science fiction fans, rather than those who like their science fiction on the space-opera or science-fantasy side.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Good classes, nice spaceship rules, bookmarked (which even now, some pdf products aren't!), it is a 'toolkit' as described<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Blood and Space is a D20 Modern supplement that provided much needed info for science fiction campaigns. It has since been updated to D20 Future in a series of separate installments. This book contains all of that information (pre-D20 Future update) condensed into 118 pages of sci-fi goodness. Back in the day, compatibility with Dungeons & Dragons (and the now defunct Dragon*Star setting) was deemed necessary. These days it might seem quaint (?aww, look, they have alignments!?). So Blood and Space can be used with both D20 Fantasy and D20 Modern.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: There are plenty of feats here, many of them having to do with spaceship combat. Pilot-type feats were lacking in D20 Modern, so it?s great to see them fleshed out here. There?s lots of equipment, although in a science fiction campaign this is probably the trickiest to choose from. Progress Levels in D20 Future helped provide a baseline, but all the options are here, including the Tesla Rifle and Orbital Insertion Armor.
Speaking of orbital insertion, there are also complete starship design rules that were sorely missing from D20 Modern. You pick the hull, engine, defensive/offensive systems and you?re good to go. This is a significant chunk of the book (pages 48-70). Then there are rules for crews and starship combat. There?s so much here that it?s almost like playing an entirely new game. Given that the vehicle rules for D20 Modern are lacking, this is a Good Thing ?.
After detailing a bunch of space hazards, there are a host of sample ships. Which is a good thing, because I?m not so sure I?d want to build too many ships on my own. They are all professionally illustrated. As always, the layout and design perfectly matches the theme.
<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: As a result of its broad compatibility, there are a host of 20-level classes that might seem incongruous for a Modern campaign. You can pretty much divide them in half without effort, condensing each class?s powers into 10 levels. But still, that might annoy folks looking for a D20 Modern plug-in. All the archetypes are here, from the Doctor to the Hotshot, the Marine to the Mercenary, the Smuggler to the Starship Officer. There are also Prestige (Advanced for you Modern folk) classes, with the obligatory Colonial Marine. To blow up aliens that are black and look like bugs and eat your brains.
For better or worse, the classes are tightly integrated to the setting. You can?t just use the Starship Commander prestige class without modification, because it has the Voice of Command ability. This ability involves issuing Orders. Orders are part of the starship combat rules unique to this supplement.
I?m very picky about my skills. I don?t like seeing new skills in a game unless absolutely necessary, and I haven?t really seen an argument today that convinced me the skill should be added. D20 allows skills to be added via Craft, Knowledge, and Profession, so I expect most of the new skills to show up there. Blood and Space adds skills like Communication Operations, Merchant, Sensor Operations and Tactics that could all be turned into Knowledge skills. It also repeats some of the D20 Modern skills like Computer Use, Demolitions, etc.
The only real flaw in this supplement is that it?s true to itself. As a self-contained package, Blood and Space is very much a toolkit for any D20 campaign. The fact that D20 Future now provides more official rules should not diminish its value. But still, for folks who want a toolkit that?s compatible with D20 Future, the other supplements from RPGObjects should do nicely.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Excellent supplement. Everything you need to add space ships and their pilots to your existing campaign. The ship construction chapters gave me just what I needed without too much gratuitous info.
I especially like how the content is divided into realistic and space opera within the chapters.
A good product, nothing particular but useful in sf settings, unlucky it is incomplete from many point of view, spaceship construction is very limited, classes are good but prestige ones are quite usless, virtually no equipment and some minor problems.
It may be a "starting point" but do not exepct much more, perhaps the version 2.0 or an expanded one...
I really like the simplicity of the system. It gives you all the flexibility one could ask for from a genre piece. I love the fact that there is no specific setting put forward in this. Too often you pay for a supplement and half the book is hard to fit into an existing campaign.
One of the arguments that hasn't stopped since the introduction of d20 and the Open Gaming License is the one between those who say d20 can handle just about anything that's thrown at it and those who feel it can't. While one review certainly can't stop fanboys from tearing into each other over this issue - nor can it call an end to the endless debate over which captain of the Enterprise was better, Kirk or Picard - it can point out that d20 is already doing just about everything that can be done with a roleplaying game, and seems to be doing just fine. Oh, and Kirk would whip Picard's ass any day of the week. So there.
BLOOD & SPACE is a fairly early release from RPG Objects, and shows that d20 can stretch a long way when the rules set is handled thoughtfully. At 118 pages, BLOOD & SPACE takes the d20 framework and builds an entire science-fiction game on top of it. Whether one's interest lies in replicating the gritty guns 'n' monsters of STARSHIP TROOPERS or the whiz-bang space opera of STAR WARS, BLOOD & SPACE can accommodate.
Like recent offerings such as REDLINE, BLOOD & SPACE meant to supplant the PLAYER'S HANDBOOK in most respects. An entirely new set of SF-appropriate core classes are provided, each conforming to the genre archetypes one would expect. Prestige classes allow one to refine the archetypes even further, with core-class "marines" becoming ALIENS-style "colonial marines," for example. Everything fits together quite well, and is supplemented by new skills and feats that expand upon the fantasy-centric foundation provided by DUNGEONS & DRAGONS.
BLOOD & SPACE explodes with technical goodies, too. After the needs of character creation are addressed, the PDF plunges into a world of high-tech weaponry and transportation. Complete rules for starship building are included, and given genre-appropriate tweaks for games that wish to slide the realism scale back and forth between hard SF and pulpy space opera. This section of the book is massive. Those with a yen for micromanagement will have the time of their lives detailing everything from the specific features of starfighters to what facilities are available inside massive capital ships.
The authors haven't overlooked anything. An entire space-combat system is available, along with detailed rules for everything down to the experience level of a starship crew. Not everyone will want or need this level of detail, but it's to RPG Objects' credit that the crunchy bits are there for those who do. By the time one reaches the prefab starships at the end of the PDF, it's likely he or she will teeter on the edge of information overload.
Like other RPG Objects releases, BLOOD & SPACE isn't particularly attractive, but it's not offensive to the eyes, either. It's essentially an electronic test-run for a print edition, so it doesn't read as well onscreen as it might. Thankfully a black-and-white version is included to lessen some of the printing load. Lastly, the fiction pieces could use polish (or exclusion), but this is a small price to pay for so much darned good stuff.
A very well put together, inspiring collection of rules and additions. It's not a full game, and makes that clear from the start. What you get is a good pot purri of rules, additions and concepts; more than enough to get the creative juices of any competent and enthusiastic GM going.
The only real complaint about the book is that it isn't generic enough. For instance, a tech level scale of some kind would be helpful, as well as more options for handling FTL.
Classes are generally well thought out and quite useful, definitely the worthiest part of the book. (BTW Doctors, although definitly not clerics, are quite powerful and can heal you from the negative hits to full health in a matter of week or two. Or kill you in the process.)
The shipbuilding and combat rules are good at preserving D20 feel of the combat and characters have plenty of options. On the downside, rules discourage narrative-style battles (map of some kind is a MUST) and they made some assumptions what may simply not be true in your setting if it's "too hard" scifi.(Space boardings and ultra-high accelerations to name most difficult to handle.) Another questionable decision - use of feats for creation of things like powered armors or starship hulls.
All other components (equipment, trade, and descriptions of some space hazards) are barely sufficient, but still they're here in case you need them and can't get them from other sourcebook or think up yourself.
Blood and space is a good book. Traveller d20 is a more harder scifi book genre wise, but the ability to dial in a genre level is a refreshing option.
Nicely done!! Great starship creation/ combat rules. The only drawback is that the classes are pure D20, no D20 modern advanced classes here. But besides that one missing element, this is a solid book to have if you want a space opera styled game.
I bought this hoping to adapt it to a Star Trek style game. While that project has lapsed, this product had the potential to be a great infrastructure upon which to place the Star Trek world.
The player classes are great for short-term games, but long-term players will want a few more broad professions, or replace them with something more like class mechanics introduced in the d20 Modern system.
Great alternative rule set. I've heavily modified everything I got from it to fit my own nefarious ends, but it was well worth my money. I'm very happy with this product and can say that the it is easily one of the best products in the Sci-Fi d20 shop.
This is an outstanding product. You might be inclined to think that the space travel genre is too vast to be covered in 117 pages, but RPGObjects has managed it. Like Star Trek? You can create the Enterprise, staff it with senior officers (PC's) and plenty of crew (red-shirts!), and explore the universe. Prefer Star Wars? X-wings, Tie-fighters, and the Millennium Falcon are a breeze to create, and the interface between individual skills and ship-to-ship combat leaves the PC's feeling like they have a real effect on the outcome of a battle (beyond rolling dice). Perhaps (like me) you want to avoid space opera in favor of a grittier, more realistic setting (Total Recall, Outland, any number of good Heinlein books). Blood and Space clearly differentiates between the two, providing a clear set of rules that adhere to the laws of physics or not as the GM and PC's choose.
One word of caution - the book's classes are D&D 3rd Edition format classes, meaning they start at first level. If you want to use the book in a modern campaign, you'll need to do just a bit of work to make them conform to the advanced classes system. Likewise, no science fiction occupations are provided, though most of the standard occupations can fit a science fiction setting with little difficulty.
This is an excellent product, and you won't be disappointed by it. Like every RPGObjects product I've seen, a lot of thought was put into creating balanced and workable options for the gaming community.