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Darwin's World: Beastmen
Publisher: RPG Objects
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2005 00:00:00

They say good things come in small packages, well this is a great thing. In just 10 pages, this pdf, changes the face of Darwin's World! And that new face is a furry face (or scaly, or feathered).

Beastmen are presented as a template, you give up your normal starting Mutations in exchange for an Ability bonus, Skill bonus, Permanent Class skill and two species-based Mutations and Defects.

There are several new Mutations and Defects, a new Advanced class; The Alpha: A feral warrior with a pack of Animal Companions. There are also a NPC group called the Pack, a bandit group of Beastmen.

I do hope we will see a Botanical PC book next.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darwin's World: Beastmen
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Psihammer - Psychic Fantasy Rules
Publisher: Better Mousetrap Games
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/12/2005 00:00:00

PsiHammer is much like the original AD&D psionic system in that it is designed to be added to existing classes, but now using feats to do so. According to the author, it will also be supported by a new setting. It is 49 pages and has color and B&W illustrations. There was a print version added shortly after its release, so if you got an early version, you should have got an update. If not, let the author know.

It is a Feat based system, the only skill you need is Concentration. The system uses an average of your Int, Wis and Cha to determine your Power level. The feats are a chain of psychic abilities that are based on one of five types of psychic power; Forcer, Sixsenser, Energetic, Shifter and Telepath. There is a sixth category for ?general? power feats that don?t fit in the other categories. There is also Clashing, or psychic combat that all psychics can do. The damage done is based of the areas of the brain damaged. Some of the Energetic power feats would make great new powers for Psions.

It also has Psifacts, or psionic artifacts as well as several psionic organizations that can be used in any setting and a few monsters as well as templates for the five types of psychic feats.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: It uses Miniature-type art to show how some of the powers work and provides some very nice NPCs as examples. For a Psionics-lite system, this one is the best I have seen yet.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The Power level here is much less than the Psionic Handbook. A psychic created with these rules is never going to have Realm shattering power. Also, the number of power feats is very limited, so different psychics will tend to look alike.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Psihammer - Psychic Fantasy Rules
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Restless Dreams: A Guide to Modern Psionics
Publisher: Urban Labyrinth Productions
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2004 00:00:00

Basically this is the Expanded Psionic Handbook converted to D20 Modern rules, well the SRD parts at least. There are three pdf files; Color with art, B&W with art and B&W without art.

At first glance, much of this book looks like the XPH copied to a pdf, but a closer look reveals several nice conversion ideas. This book converts all the psionic disciplines, psionic focus, psicrystals, (augmentable) psionic powers up to 5th level and psionic items.

To convert to D20 Modern, the base classes become Advanced classes and the Psion actually becomes six classes. This adds a nice twist to the standard psionic rules, as you can now multiclass between Seer and Telepath or Shaper and Kineticist. The Wilder is not a class, but presented as both an Occupation and Feat. The Battlemind from D20 Modern core rulebook continues to serve as a Psychic Warrior, but is not updated to the new rules. Also as per other Advanced classes, these gain special abilities that the D&D version do not.

Skills and feats introduces psionic focus to D20 modern and converts the psionic feats from the XPH. Next is the section on powers, but only up to 5th level as they were in D20 Modern rules, but the powers are now Augmentable. There are a few new powers and a couple of spells converted from Urban Arcana. One interesting note, there is list for each discipline, but only one power per level and each Advanced class gets these as bonus powers.

Psionic items covers Dorjes, Weapons, Armor, Psicrowns, Tattoos and introduces Psionic Circuits. A psionic circuit is a ?stored power? like a scroll.

Astral Constructs and Psicrystals get an entry as do several of the psionic races. One nice touch here is that the races get both an Urban Arcana and a D20 Future description. Races covered are Blue Goblins, Dromites, Duergar, Elan, Half-Giant, Maenads and Xephs. <br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Metamind Prestige class: Much better than the XPH version, can learn powers from any list and automatically qualifies for any other Psionic class.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Over all this is a good book. There are a few typos; Kineticist?s list has Quicken Power feat but he actually gets Maximize power feat at 10th level, the Psychic Warrior is mentioned in the Power section but is not converted to the new rules and a couple of the converted spells still say ?spell? in their description. Also, the question of what to do with the old Zero level Talents is not addressed. Since the previous classes like the Psionic Agent in Urban Arcana do include them, as do the psionic classes from RPObjects books, a conversion guide would have been nice.

Also, much of this book IS the Expanded Psionic Handbook SRD, as most of it does not need much to convert to D20 Modern rules. I could probably do this kind of work myself, if I had the time and I don't mind paying for something that lets me spend more time actually playing the game.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Restless Dreams: A Guide to Modern Psionics
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Creator Reply:
Restless Dreams has been updated to fix the problems listed here (kineticist problems, psychic warrior references, spell references, and a new appendix on converting psionic characters from d20 Modern, Urban Arcana and the Modern Player's Companion, volume 2).
Atomik Psioniks
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/11/2003 00:00:00

If you have ever had someone look at you with a confused look on their face and say "Psionics??", then this is the book to hand them.

This book provides the basics of "What, Why and How" and you supply the "Where" by simply converting it to whatever rules you are using. Want to add "Psychics" to your Buffy:TVS game? Want an alien race in your Star Trek game to be able to Teleport? No problem.

This book would be especially good for a d20Modern: Agents of Psi setting since it includes Psionic technology to be used by (and against) psis. This book is also good for just reading, but is even better for inspiration to add to exisiting Psi settings.

Mike Briggs (Dark Psion)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Atomik Psioniks
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The Book of Curses
Publisher: Heyoka Studios
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2002 00:00:00

Overall a good book, but with a few technical flaws. This is their first pdf. I believe and it shows in the way the book is formated. There is a pic that bookends each pair of pages, while a nice pic, it is a wastes a lot of ink when printing the book out. Also they did not consider pre-hole punched paper apparently and I can barely read the inside margin on some pages.

As to content, my only complaint is that there isn't more of it. This book opens several new doors for the DM and is a great source of inspiration. The new curses, both Arcane and Divine, are very well thoughtout and presented in a very thorough manner, almost a full page per spell.

The section on Lycanthropes presents a were-template/ prestige class for them. Ten levels of Lycanthropy, allowing for everything from Lon Chaney's Wolf Man to An American Werewolf in London. This is great for keeping the PCs guessing.

The section on Vampires includes multiple templates based on age that stack with each other. Also are a couple Vampire prestige classes; Undying Lord: Vampiric ruler of a land. Sybarist: Narcisistic, caring only for pleasure. Sin Eaters: Consider their vampirism a blessing and embrace it.

All in all, a very good begining for this company, just need to do a better job on presentation. I am definatly looking forward to their next book.

Mike Briggs (Dark Psion)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Book of Curses
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Book of Fools
Publisher: Split Eye Productions
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/23/2002 00:00:00

Don't let the title of this book "Fool" you, this is a very good accessory to any campaign. While mainly a Prestige Class book, this book also has new feats, including Sorcerous feats based on bloodline, magic items, new domains and gods all based on a new campaign setting.

Of course, prestige classes is why you are here and this book delivers. Body Thief: The bad guy that always comes back. Border Warder: A ranger on the borderlands. City Ward: A guardsman who is far more than just a Warrior NPC. Demonic Counselor: A Sorcerer who taps into his demonic heritage. Devotee of the City: That crazy old man that can answer any question. Knight Hospitaler: Much better that the one in DoF. Knight of the Silver Flame: An Elven Knight. Manticore Hunter: A ranger's favored foe taken to the extreme. Noble Duelist: On guard! Prophet of the Gods: What happens when god belives in you. Royal Explorer: A diplomatic ranger. Royal Student: The eternal student. Servant of the Slime: A cultist, but not by choice. Sharpshooter: Master of longbow or crossbow. Sister of the Rose: Divine diplomats and couriers (my favorite). Skin Changer: A dark Druid. Slave Gladiator: I am Sparticus! Slime Lord: The wiling members of that slime cult. Slinger: My name is David, his was Goliath. Spider Mage: Does whatever a spider can.

Mike Briggs (Dark Psion)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Book of Fools
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Joe's Book of Enchantment
Publisher: Throwing Dice Games
by Mike B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/17/2002 00:00:00

I'm Dark Psion at EnWorld and WoC boards so you can probably guess my one and only complaint about this book ;). In fact, the alternate title could be, "How to create a nasty Psion(Telepath)" because much of this book is of great intrest to fans of psionics and can be easily converted.

And even if you don't use psionics, this is still a magnificent book. Not only new feats, PrCs and spells, but new ways of presenting them as well. The feat Templates are a simple, but great idea as are the composite skills, but the best is hidden within the PrCs, Minimum Paths. This is the classes to take this prestige class, great for players since it lets them know when they can take it and great for DMs since it helps them create a NPC using this PrC.

Some of the new spells are so nasty, your DM may want to keep them for his NPCs and the monster section finally gives us a Half-Fey template. There was one disturbing aspect of the book, when on the last page the author answered all of the questions I had thought of before I could ask them. Maybe Joe's Book of Divinations is coming next??

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Joe's Book of Enchantment
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Book of Broken Dreams
Publisher: Bloodstone Press
by Mike B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/29/2002 00:00:00

This is an excellent resource for a Ravenloft or Call of Cthulhu campaign. It introduces a Stress reaction table and a list of mental disabilities with in game descriptions. These can be applied to many existing spells and monsters, like Mind Flayers.

If you use Psionics in your game, many of the spells presented in this book would probably make better psionic powers than spells. Of the three prestige classes presented, two would work for psionic PCs; the Dream Weaver and the Mentalist. On the other hand, the Lunatic is one of the few prestige classes that a NPC Commoner can take and become a threat.

Overall another great resource book from J.C. Alger

Mike Briggs (Dark Psion)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Book of Broken Dreams
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