Wow! This book gives a whole new dimension to cyberpunk role-playing. It has everything you need to add cybertech to any futuristic game, even space adventures and alterate realities. There is more cybertech here than I've seen in any single book, with literally hundreds of gadgets, including nanotech and biotech, and even symbiotes, as well as cloning, genetic engineering, and templates for "genie" characters.
The first chapter of the book is very nice, presenting an overview of cyberpunk and giving serveral different styles of play like "Tech Noir", "Chic Tech", and "Steam Tech". The rest of the book is all gadgets and implants. A lot of the cyberwear ideas I've never seen before (not even in Shadowrun), and the technology ranges the spectrum from near-future to the very distant future, and each item is rated with a "TL" (tech level). There are even teleporter and anti-grav implants! Also included are rules for "Humanity Cost", and the value of each item is based on a generic "Value Level", which can be translated as either money or character points (or both).
I really got a kick out of the dark humor quotes throughout. They reminded me of those twisted ads from RoboCop. My favorite: "Yoshima Cybernetics... Providing what Mother Nature never intended."
Atomik CyberTek is completely generic, so you can use it with any game system. I'm going to be using this as a foundation for my d20 space campaign.