Arcane Creations Vol. I: Misc. Magical Items is a collection of artwork that can be used for items magical or simply unique. The artwork for all 60 items is by V. Shane.
These images are designed to be printed out, preferably on something durable like cardstock, to be used as visual aids and description of items. This is indeed a collection of miscellaneous magic items, from armor to staves, swords to cloaks, a little bit of everything is included. V. Shane?s art is clean and ready for printing, though some of the items tend to be a little barque all are suitably fantastic to be items of magic and power.
This product is of less utility to those who do not have access to a good printer but it can still spark the imagination. How useful this product will be depends on the style of the campaign but good visuals can be helpful to most styles of play. It is a little costly, however, as it requires both the purchase of the pdf and then printing to be used for best effect.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Well done and organized artwork.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Nothing really.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>