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Torg: The Cyberpapacy $8.99
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Torg: The Cyberpapacy
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Torg: The Cyberpapacy
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Ian L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2004 00:00:00

An excellent product. I bought it sight unseen as additional material for my Shatterzone game.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Good examples of Cybernetics.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Torg: The Cyberpapacy
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Yik Y. Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2004 00:00:00

TORG is a Generic, Universal RPG system like GURPS, however, TORG is more than that. It focus on crossover, reality conflict, "when science meet magic" etc...

Cyberpapacy is one of the world book which describes France, which was replaced by an alien reality with cyberware.

Since this book is out of print, you can just buy it from RPGNOW. If you like "Cyberpunk", "Matrix" and you know how to run TORG, then don't miss it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Torg: The Cyberpapacy
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Andrew S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2004 00:00:00

Well, it's an old Torg sourcebook, worth buying if you're nostalgic for Torg... but if you have no idea what Torg even is, don't bother.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Torg: The Cyberpapacy
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Kent H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/23/2003 00:00:00

This book is a must for anyone running Torg and want to throw in cyber-priests. Outside of Torg, the cybernetics section of the book is useful for any cyber campaign. Also, it has some good information about France and an interesting historty (okay, alternate history) lesson as well.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Torg: The Cyberpapacy
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Thomas Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/04/2003 00:00:00

Very useful source for Torg but also a mine of fun ideas for a SF post apocalyptic game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Torg: The Cyberpapacy
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele
by Colja M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2003 00:00:00

The whole TORG-line is great and the Cyberpapacy sourcebook is built around a very interesting idea. Inquisition is bad enough, but medieval mindsets with high-powered tanks, computer-surveilance and subdermal implants that FORCE you to believe - scary. I hope more TORG will become available on RPGNow soon

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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