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All-Purpose Miniatures Rules
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Jedediah R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2003 00:00:00

What can I say? I love this system. Not only is it easy to learn and play, it is extremely versatile and completely customizable. Included are rules fro playing three different battle scales: skirmish, large scale, and massive.

Their are rules for completely creating units from the ground up including: individual troops; land, air, and sea vehicles; mechs; spells; and even monsters.

I really get a lot of use out of the system for building mechs so that if you choose to play massive scale combat you could use them as well, much like some other games that are far more expensive and collectable.

I have had countless hours playing with friends with loads of mis-matched minis and paper minis. The possibilities are endless and just a little imagination on your part makes for multiple great gaming sessions.

The only downside I found was a part of the magic system. They have rules to calculate how much it would cost to creat and equip a wizard with a spell and a good point based spell system, but there is no rules to define how many points a spell would cost to use during play, (although their are examples to guage your homebrew spells by).

Other than that though the game is near perfect. I hope that in the future they will release supplemental army packs of paper minis at the different scales sorted by genre.

Very worthy buy. What are you waiting for? Pick it up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
All-Purpose Miniatures Rules
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