While this set has some very nice graphics, it lacks some variety. What you get is in fact one ship which can be built only in one manner. The only way to change its appearance is to substitute the medical section and two cargo bays with alien fabric infested versions and to change its overall length.
You get the five basic parts which form the main body of the vessel and ten different cargo bays which can be used to expand the length of the ship.
The basic five parts include the bridge where the pilots operate the vessel, two crew compartments (one with hybernation containers and a bathroom, one with medical center, kitchen and a dining room) and two control rooms for the ship's engines, which are mainly only mirrored versions of each other (and you don't see the engines, let alone are able to enter them).
The whole ship is basically a long corridor with the bridge on top and all the other parts aligned alongside this corridor.
The smallest ship can be built to contain the five basic parts and two cargo bays.
The largest ship can be constructed by expanding the smallest vessel with up to eight (different) cargo bay parts (including the alien versions).
But all the cargo bays are not really different. They are in fact all equal with more or less different alignment of very similiar cargo.
A much better approach would have been to contain only one empty cargo bay (the other side could have been generated by mirroring it) and some cargo overlays.
Having said this, I must say that the set has some great potential. Expanded with additional sections (e.g. a scientific lab, multi-level access ways, some machinery, living compartments, ways to expand it in the other direction, etc.) this could be the foundation of a great fleet.
For the current price of 1.75 you get six (five + one bonus) tiles for the construction of the "Temple of the Sun". This is more than your average temple theme from the "Sacred Temples" set giving you an additional flexibility.
You get one door tile, one window tile, one corner tile, one tile with benches, one altar tile and one central tile, all with nice sun icons. The picture in the ad is a detail of the altar tile.
Don't miss the advise that this set can't be used at ist own. You will need the "Sacred Temples" set as well.
Being tiles from the "indoor" series all the tiles are 6x6 inches placed each on a separate page, so you will have no problems to print them on either the standard letter or A4 sized paper.
First of all you get lots of different things to use staight out of the box. Just select what you like and take it off the book. Your players will love it! Each item is very special, so you better follow the advise to mark the already used items, so you won't have them presented to your players more than once. Unless of course, this is what you want.
All items are classified for being armor, clothing, jewelry, miscellaneous, musical instruments or weapons. Their value range from virtually nothing to tens of thousands.
Since they are all "mundane" don't expect any high magic items. Yet there are a fair amount of them having special (interesting) abilities.
Each item has descriptions of its appearace, its value and the difficulty to discover it (appraise check) and special rules (if any).
Also, you will find a small section about unusual materials, from which to construct your own mundane treasures. This section, as well as the rest of the booklet, can be used as a clue how to expand on the theme. And this is, in my opinion, the best part of it all. Take the information as a clue or guidance, how to make the kind of items described here on your own.
Thus this material is both: a ready to use compilation of "out of the box" items, and a sourcebook of intriguing ideas.
The five nice illustrations by Christopher Shy show five of the items and could be an additional enhancement to your adventure.
This is a collection of 100 ideas for a plot.
As you can imagine it is impossible to deliver 100 brand new ideas and with equal quality. So some of the seeds are better, some even ingenious, yet others are simple or even dull. But there are still more than enough themes for many adventures.
Each one takes one page. You have an introduction, the description of the behind the scenes story and at least three different possibilities of the outcome. At last there is a suggestion for an aftermath.
The seeds range from small encounters for an interlude to big ones which could lead to extensive campaigns.
Be aware, however, that as the title states, these are only seeds. You can't use them "out of the box". You will have to invest a fair amount of work to make them into interesting adventures. How interesting these adventures will be is up to you.
Additionally, the author James Desborough gives some tips how you can find your own ideas for plots. Not very extensive, but very interesting.
Very nice looking tiles (many of the possibilities can be seen on the ad picture) with connections to the dungeon tiles. In fact it is IMHO one of the best. You can have tunnels with or without walkways, bridges, sinks, pipes and even two entrance tiles for access of the sewer system by ladder.
Don't miss the "Sewer Tunnels Promo 2" which contains some nice compatible boats (!).
This is a beginning book (or rather a booklet) for the area of and around the city of Black Water.
It's not bad, especially for the current price of 1$. Unfortunately it is only the description of a beginning. There are numerous references to stuff yet to come, but AFAIK there is no such stuff out there.
So you end up with some nice ideas and a new race (the Elan, with the possibility to play Half-Elan characters), but nothing more. To actually play this stuff, you have to prepare almost everything yourself.
If you are looking for some ideas for your own creations you probably won't regret the money if you buy it. On the other hand, if you are looking for a book with a redy to play setting/campaign, find another one.
As with all DD$ products you shouldn't expect ready made floorplans for campaigning, although there are some pages containing what could be used as rooms and passages.
The contents are rather meant to be used for construction of self-designed maps.And for this the set contains a nice selection of high-tech looking floors and walls.
As a bonus you get lots of extra equipment to cut out and glue together like e.g. four inches wide cargo bay gates.
All contents are scaled to one inch grid.
There are 30 pages of floor/wall textures with basically three different kinds of surface: steel plate, some kind of blue vinyl and iron grille. Then you get one page (it's the only one with hexes) of what looks like the ground of an alien hive with some slime on the ground.
The extra equipment consists of doors in two different sizes, computer terminals and different crates.
Don't forget to download the extra free stuff from the order page. There are chairs and more consoles there.
Alltogether not that bad, but needs some assembling effort to be really useful. But it's worth it, the results can look great.
This set contains everything you need to build a temple. There are three sets of benches, two different doors and lots of wall tiles with and without stairs leading to the temple.
And the theme tiles (dwarf, law and serpent) have enough tiles to enhance the temples to be a unique location.
All in all you get five different altars to choose from, and this doesn't include the bonus tile of a devastated one.
Very useful extension for your sewer tiles. Now you can build large rooms full of foul water. And when I say large, I mean laaarge. Realy laaaaaaarge. In fact as large as you like :-)
The thirteen (!) bonus tiles add a lot twist to this theme, so your tanks can be bade even larger.
A nice extension to volume 1 which adds some variation to the way how you create the chambers. There is even one round room. Other than that, everything said about volume 1 aplies to volume 2 as well.
Much has been said already about this set, so I can only add that, compared with some other sets from Skeletonkey, these are a bit less appealing and diversified. But for this you have now "Dungeon Details".
This set is all you need to build a simple dungeon of rectangular chambers of any size and to connect them with straight corridors with some doors or without.
There are even some stairs to enhance the dungeon.
Buy them, you won't regret it.
BTW, despite the pictures here as well as on Ed's homepage, the outer edges of the tiles are not black. The inner contents are surrounded by a thick black line, but the rest is all white. This is of course more ink friendly, but you will probably want to paint them black (that's what I do, anyway) for a better look.
There have allways been the two bonus linking tiles (WR17 with a pit and WR19 with stairs from Wilderness ruins) to connect the wilderness tiles to dungeon passages, but this cave entrance for connecting the wilderness to a cave passage is a wonderful expansion for all who have both the wilderness and the caves.
In fact there is only exactly one entrance, but in two "modes". One as seen from "outside" (6x9) and a matching one as seen from "inside" (6x6) along with some nice tiles to enhance the effect of the entrance beeing cut into a steep slope.
The two other bonus tiles are also "inside" (6x6) tiles for a wide cave and a flooded cave connection and match the "outside" tile as well.
The idea of the entrance area being a two elevation terrain is great and it is done, as allways, with great professionality by our favourite tile designer :-)
In other words a must for all those who call any wilderness and cave tiles their own.
These 16 Tiles (15 in set, one free downloadable) of various sizes from 1 inch square to 4 inches square are of somewhat limited usability. In the end, they really only do what Ed claims them to do: they "fall into darkness".
No pits with lava, blood, sewer goo, etc. Not even spikes.
Well I guess that's OK for only one buck, but somewhat boring.
There are in fact 17 different tiles in this set. The set consists of three pdf-files. Intro, b&w and color. The b&w and color contain the announced 16 tiles while the intro has one bonus tile. This bonus tile can be downloaded for free alsewhere, but it's a nice gimmick anyway.
By the way, on http://www.skeletonkeygames.com/ you can allways find other free tiles which nicely fit into the set.
All in all there are 19 tiles afaik (16 from set, 3 free). But the tiles from the sets "Sacred Wilderness" and "Deciduous Wilderness" also match very good.
The quality of this product is really good. Edward Bourelle makes by far the best looking tile sets I've ever seen.
The format is pdf, so there should be no problem with printing to scale. Since all tiles are 6x9 inches, you can print them on letter or A4 sized paper.
I can really recomend this (and the others) fine set from Mr. Bourelle.
This set contains 11 pages of nice sewer maps and 3 pages of sewer-"equipment" all in one pdf-file.
The graphics are rather simple compared to "Sewer Tunnels" by Edward Bournell, but they have one big advantage. They are absolutly flexible and you can cut and paste them as you like to construct allmost every combination of tunnels you can imagine.
You get one map with all-floor tiles, two with straight tunnels (hor. and vert.), three with every possible bend or crossing, four with pools of different sizes and one big empty pit.
As a "bonus" there are four waste outlets, two ladders and eight footbridges to cut out and assemble.
Comparing to the current "special" price of $1.50 a bargain.