Do you have a fashion conscious player in your party? Do your adventurers prefer design named treasure to the store brand stuff? Are they willing to pay a bit more for an item that is made of designer materials? Then 101 Mundane Treasures is for you. I picked this up because, honestly, you can only roll on the random treasure table so many times before you get tired of mock eye patches and dragon shaped combs. Heck, one player actually has a box full of the damn combs. It?s become a running joke. Whenever it comes up she?ll ask what color dragon, and pretends to get excited when it is a color she doesn?t have.
The organization of the product is a bit weird. For example, demon hide is introduced on page 4. But additional information is added to a sidebar on page 6 (along with additional information for Glow Steel and Star metal). Yes, it?s supposed to be an ?alternative? information sidebar, but it?s the kind of thing that makes you go hunting for all the information.
I was a little disappointed in the selection of mundane armor. With the exception of the Dragon Helm, most of the pieces were normal, everyday armor pieces decorated with a few gems to increase their value and maybe some flourishes and designs. The clothing items proved much better, taking mundane pieces of clothing and using odd materials and such to get different effects. The jewelry items were very nice as well and were interesting. Definitely a nice change of pace over the typical sapphire ring or pearl necklace you?d normally throw in the treasure trove for variety.
I actually like this product a lot, as a DM, it?s sure to throw off the players. Based on the descriptions and the names of some of these items, I can see my spellcasters wasting their see magic and identify spells trying to determine what they do (since I?ll probably feel the need to through a false dweomer on some of them). But many of the items have no benefit other than a cool name and a high price tag. So DMs need to be careful about throwing them into treasure piles, as you could find yourself with a party with too much money after they sold everything.
<b>LIKED</b>: New items inspire a lot of new ideas to do stuff for my game, and it's something other than a dragon comb.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Item prices can make a party to wealthy too quick if a DM isn't careful.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>