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Dead Sea Murder
Publisher: Rogue Publishing
by David T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/07/2011 15:27:32

Actually using this in a Fate based game using the Spirit of the Century book. Since Fate is based on Fudge there is little rules tweaking needed. Plus this is a nice little pulp tale of mystery and murder, all the Terra Incognita stuff works well with the SotC system really with only a little bit of tweaking.

To the actual adventure and module. Its well written with lots of detail, both historical and plot relate so that you could easily create an expanded adventure in the area detailed plus all the main and side characters presented. They've also made it free form enough, a trade mark of fudge really, to allow the GM and party to play the adventure pretty much anyway they like. Be that a Victorian style low action high deduction mystery, or a more pulpish action packed treasure hunt.

Also since this is a murder mystery they designed the adventure so that any of several characters can be made the murderer, and different clues can be sprinkled throughout the adventure to point to the GMs choice or act as red herrings. This gives it a little more replayability should you end up with some one who has done it before joining a new group who are seeing it for the first time.

Overall a fun little adventure with a historical and religious back drop.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dead Sea Murder
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