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Image Portfolio 003 Superhero
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Jamie W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2004 00:00:00

For would-be publishers out there, this series of portfolios is a must have. It gives you twenty high-quality black and white images for three bucks! For anyone that has tried commishing art for their projuects will know what a steal that is. Great stuff.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: High quality art. Generous usage terms.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not always genereric enough to fit all needs, but who cares, it's $3.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio 003 Superhero
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Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Jamie W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2002 00:00:00

Okay I finally got through reading this and it is by far the closest thing to perfect I've seen out of a D20 super-hero game yet.

The Good: There is a lot to like in this book, I've kicked around ideas for a D20 super-hero game for a while. This is pretty darn close to what I'd been thinking about. Lots and lots of room for growth.

The Bad: It has flaws, some are pretty big, but with a little time it's quite useable and shows a lot of potential. It's annoyingly vague in a lot of areas and the potential for massive rules abuse is there too.

The Ugly: The book layout and fonts. Yuck.

The Skinny: I know it may look like I bashed this product all to heck, but it really is quite good. I plan to make some modifications before I actually run it, but I do plan to run it. One possible suggestion, make the power cost VP to use, it might help reduce abuse on certain powers. And a question: how many powers does a character have access to at first level? I've looked, I can't find it. Well worth five clams.


[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Darkness and Light
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Jamie W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2002 00:00:00

It seems like I only bought Vigilance yesterday... err I did just buy it yesterday. Anywhoo this is a great addition to the Vigilance RPG bring NPCs, new core classes, feats, powers as well as some villianous prestige classes for all of you evil buggers out there. Mr. Rice should be complemented for putting together a fine addition to a promising new system.

The Good: I like the cover art, big improvements over the previous books. Good solid NPCs for a decent range of challenge and nice solid background info. The new stuff is all good I really like that someone finally made a character class that is evil, no grey area, just evil.

The Bad: Not too much, overall a solid effort. Still suffers from the same basic (minor) design problems.

The Ugly: I won't tell you about the font's anymore, you allready know. What's with the NPC Shade? How do you strike fear into people's hearts with a clarinet?

The Skinny: If you like the Vigilance core rules, and I know you do, this is a worth-while addition for $5.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Darkness and Light
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