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Darkness and Light

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Darkness and Light
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Darkness and Light
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Charles B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/30/2004 00:00:00

Darkness and Light is a wonderful resource of ready to insert NPCs for your Vigilance game. Certainly worth the price to purchase it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkness and Light
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Patrick G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/05/2003 00:00:00

I hate to say it but this was a disapointing product. I got this after seeing other Super Heroe D20 games out there (DnW, 4CtF, etc) I justfeel this gameline could have been done a bit better. It is still a halfway decent attempt, just not as good as others on the market.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Darkness and Light
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Dominic C.
Date Added: 05/26/2002 00:00:00

This is a really great supplement, reminiscent of the old "Rogue's Gallery" for AD&D, except instead of just blocks of useful stats Mr. Rice fills this with a generous assortment of really well-developed villains. This is exactly what every GM of "Vigilance" is going to need - the pre-made game stats, background, and character makeup of some very imaginative NPCs.

Also included are new classes, feats, disadvantages, powers, and an entire section dedicated to some ideal prestige classes for the villanous types (this is what I've personally been waiting for).

Well done, Mr. Rice!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkness and Light
Publisher: Vigilance Press
by Jamie W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2002 00:00:00

It seems like I only bought Vigilance yesterday... err I did just buy it yesterday. Anywhoo this is a great addition to the Vigilance RPG bring NPCs, new core classes, feats, powers as well as some villianous prestige classes for all of you evil buggers out there. Mr. Rice should be complemented for putting together a fine addition to a promising new system.

The Good: I like the cover art, big improvements over the previous books. Good solid NPCs for a decent range of challenge and nice solid background info. The new stuff is all good I really like that someone finally made a character class that is evil, no grey area, just evil.

The Bad: Not too much, overall a solid effort. Still suffers from the same basic (minor) design problems.

The Ugly: I won't tell you about the font's anymore, you allready know. What's with the NPC Shade? How do you strike fear into people's hearts with a clarinet?

The Skinny: If you like the Vigilance core rules, and I know you do, this is a worth-while addition for $5.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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