Very good product, complete with DM Screen and map. The product has ALL of the pdfs, which includes the monsters/npcs/antagonists and the extra encounters extra pdfs that were originally available on-line from WotC for free. The adventure itself is not really a murder mystery, and so caution is advised as the players may get side-tracked right from the beginning instead of following the linear flow of the module as described.
If you need coliseum tiles for your RPG or miniatures game, this will do the trick. Nothing exceptional, but all-around a decent product with enough to get the job the done.
Although this information is dated now, it's still a good resource for Forgotten Realms fans and people who plan on playing in Cormyr. Lots of good background history. One major fault is certain things like maps (e.g., Marsember) did not transfer well into the pdf product.
Excellent resource for M&M, and very good art, as well. Really almost a must-have for players as well as GM's, especially if you want to create certain characters, like martial artists. My only quibble is some of this information should have been in the general M&M player's book.
Nice assortment of small arms weapons for d20 WWII buffs. Could also be used for people who use a pulp d20 or other similar time setting from the first half of the 20th century. Some gun afficionados will likely quibble with the amount of damage a particular gun does, or its range, but that is for them to decide. Not a lot of meat, but no faults as a resource.
Great resource for Forgotten Realms D&D fans. Although the material is dated now, it still contains some very useful background information. Conversions to later editions of D&D would be necessary of characters from this book would actually be used. Leans rather heavily on the city of Westgate and the Night Masks, but for me that was fine.
Helpful supplement to the Ptolus campaign setting. Given the numerous powerbrokers in that setting, this book helps with some additional detail, but not a lot.
Nice beginnger's guide, especially for people who may not be all that familiar with RPGs, especially super-hero RPGs. Makes a nice get-your-feet-wet-with- M&M introduction.
Although this product would have been perhaps at least interesting in the early days of d20 and OGL, it is like several of the Mongoose products in that it has little sense or substance. And in the wake of the D&D Artifcer class in the Eberron setting, this supplement offers nothing of real worth to the better written Artificer found in that WotC campaign setting.
This is an excellent Oone map that can be plopped into any campaign. I have used it with Oone's Hamlet of Wodfeld, along with one of the story suggestions in this product, to create a side-track adventure.
Nice maps but unfortunately there are only 3 total structures in the whole book. I would have liked to gotten more different structures, but for $5 it's okay.
Excellent manor floor plans, and in color, too! This one beats the Hornsby Manor product also put out by Darkfuries.
A typically decent Darkfuries single house with their typically good maps. My only disappointment is there were no color maps of the manor.
Excellent resource for basically large houses. The html aspect makes it good for a DM to better manipulate and print certain maps for players and the DM him/herself. Nice selection of buildings in this Darkfuries publication, too.
Nicely drawn set of cars and furniture to be used in any modern setting. I tend to use these in my super-hero RPGs.