For the most part, I like this product. I love the idea of it, a city built on the ruins of a lost civilization where the main commerce is looting the ancient ruins found underground.
My only quibble with the product is that for a city that?s been around for over a century with 5 factions fighting for both control of the city as well as for treasure from the ruins, it seems like hardly any ruins have been explored (i.e. only 3 smallish levels have been explored and only the first fully. To me your average adventuring party would have what?s shown on the maps cleared out after a few trips in. Unless each room they entered was filled with treasure, there is no way the city above could have survived on what?s been explored below.
Other than this one inconsistency though, I really the product. The city above is fairly well fleshed out, but still leaves plenty of room to make it easy to drop into any campaign you may be running.