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Temples and Shrines Floorplans
Publisher: Darkfuries Publishing
by Elizabeth M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2002 00:00:00

I'm running a GURPS Yrth campaign at the moment, so the included god-descriptions and some of the stranger temples were of only intellectual interest to me. However, enough of the temples and churches were of the more traditional archetecture that I feel confident that my PCs can go rampaging through a place of worship and I can yank an appropriate map off my laptop. (Okay, I could have used a few mosques, but I can take a stab at googling for those.)

Of the non-traditional sorts, the hidden churches will be great if I inject any heretical plotlines! The others are keen to look at, for me, and would probably be more useful to someone who is importing the Maelstrom gods, or has gods who can be mapped onto the included descriptions. (Heck, some of them were interesting enough that I was a little sorry I'd already started a Yrth campaign!)

The quality is, as always, excellent, and I'm looking forward to the next in the series!

<subliminal> Buy them. You know you want to! </subliminal>

--Elizabeth McCoy, Map Junkie

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Temples and Shrines Floorplans
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Inns and Taverns Floorplans
Publisher: Darkfuries Publishing
by Elizabeth M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/20/2002 00:00:00

I recently got the Inns and Taverns Floorplans, browsed through them, and -- though I didn't use any of the floorplans -- I got a great idea from one of the unusual ones for the start of my campaign. (Instead of yet another boring old cave for interdimensional travelers to come through, they showed up in a pentagram on an outdoor platform built between huge trees! Made things much more interesting.)

I really love these things, and hope to use them later; even if I never manage to use exactly those, I will at least have had enough exposure to them that I can figure out what a typical inn or tavern should look like, and will be able to ad-lib my own.

It would be nice if more of them had their own names -- I get stumped easily and it would make some of the more unique floorplans easier to find quickly (I don't remember numbers well), but then again, a little editing of the HTML code, and I can insert my own names or comments into the ToC. These things are really, really great. <subliminals>Buy them. You know you want to.</subliminals>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inns and Taverns Floorplans
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