A great resource for Basic D&D. But the scan quality is just sub-par. The text is fuzzy/blurry as if out of focus throughout the book.
The options for old scan or new scan are identical. Both are the exact same size and both suffer the same out of focus/fuzzy lettering effect.
I would love to get a POD version, but I'm afraid it may have the same fuzzy scan result.
I bought it because I was under the impression that it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with the serial number filed off so-to-speak.
What I got was a game that fits that initial impression, but so much more! There is a fully fleshed out adventure, a decent amount of unique world information and several additional adventure seeds.
Yes, you can run a TMNT campaign using this book, but it is in no way limited to just that!
Well laid out with some decently good artwork. This is a great supplement for those looking for a toolkit for any post apocalyptic campaign, similar to the Companion Guides released by Pinnacle.
Definitely worth the $10 for it!
This is an extremely well written set of rules!
For any Cyberpunk genre setting for Savage Worlds, this has to be the best bang for the buck!
It had almost no setting fluff, so you are free to use whatever you like. This makes playing a davage version of Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2020/Red/2077, or any home brew.
I've liked most of what Mr. Woolcock has done, including this product.
I was unfortunate enough to find out that Android/Chrome does not handle PDF layers very well. I posted a question on 06/24/19 asking if it could be possible to post a layer-less version of this book for those of us that tend to use mobile devices. And within 24 hours, he uploaded a layer free version!!
Just another example of why this writer has such a loyal fan base!
Great book! I've used it in multiple campaigns. Everything from a fantasy campaign, a modern supernatural game and in Savage Worlds Rifts. This book has been a great asset!!
Great resource for those who want to make their own paper stand-up minis themselves quick and easy. I've made several sheets of minis for various games I've run recently.
I would give it 5 stars except it only works with Adobe Acrobat running on windows. It does not work with foxit or other PDF programs and it does not work on the Android OS.
If these limitations could be overcome (at the least, allowing it to run on differing OS, even if you still have to use Adobe), I would gladly give it 5 stars.
As a working draft, it is expectantly light on graphics.
However, what is included is well written and well laid out. The new rules put a really interesting twist on the game and the setting is definitely a uniquely intriguing world.
Now I just need to make me a pagan martial artist!
Rifts has always been asetting I loved. The rules system was always clunky and slow.
When I heard Rifts was made using another system I was very happy to say the least!
I had always heard good things about Savage Worlds. Ihave to say, I'm less than impressed with the system so far. Maybe the system works better than it seems to read. But I've never liked the exploding dice mechanic.
The art is decent. The tomorrow legion is a good setting hook.
It gets three stars until I've had the chance to play the system.
I will not repeat the above reviews. I agree with most of what is mentioned.
There are a few flaws. The common gear lists provide no descriptors or any in game benefit, such as airship suit. There is no description or in game effects of purchasing it.
Another flaw is that the armor lists the protection it offers and mentions armor points but provides no rules I could find on how they are used.
This would beat sold 5 straight book if not for these flaws.
Even with them, this is worth the purchase.
I like it enough, I'm planning on buying the hardcover book from my local game shop.
They did a good job of fusing the D20 Modern rules with Pathfinder. The book is well laid out with clear chapter separations similar to the Pathfinder main book.
They did not just shoehorn the modern rules into Pathfinder rules. They use Pathfinder as the core system and d20 modern is very nicely laid over it as a shell.
The end product is something that feels similar to d20 modern but has all the developmental advantages of the Pathfinder system!
I would give this 5 enthusiastic stars if not for the fact that it has been 3 years and counting and they just recently released part 8 of a planned 13 part adventure path. While I don't want a rushed product, it would be nice to see this completed.
I purchased this looking for a TMNT/Yosag Jimbo type of rules. I was looking to create a homebrew "Justifiers" conversion to the D20 modern/future rules.
I was very disappointed in the furry fetish comments throughout. I really did not want to have obscure and sexualized material in the book.
I hope the author takes feedback and adjust future products accordingly.
unplayable. Simply because it is missing the class tables and all the abilities give no mention of what level the abilities are gained. This is a major piece of missing info!!
Creator Reply: |
Hello, Patrick. Thank you for purchasing our product!
All classes presented in this book are archetypes of classes presented on Pathfinder\'s Core Rules, therefore they use these classes class tables with the modifications indicated on each variant class ability. For instance, the Psion is based on the Sorcerer (from the class description \"Unless otherwise noted, Veil of Truth’s psion is exactly like the sorcerer found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.\"), and each new ability indicates what class ability it replaces (As an example, the Exploit Weakness class ability of the Seeker, a Ranger archetype, states \"This ability replaces hunter’s bond.\").
We will work on making this sort of information clearer in an update of this product and future products in order to eliminate this sort of misunderstanding.
Thank you for your feedback! |
Content: 3
Layout: 4
Most of the Dept 7 classes, I've realy liked. Yes, they are overpowered but they tend to fill niches in the Modern setting nicely.
The Cold Bringer seems a little to niche to me. The powers are cool, and yes, it is also a bit overpowered, but it just seems to have too narrow a focus. It is a good class if you are looking to do a high-powered game such as Psi-Watch by the same author, but otherwise this class just seems a bit too narrow.