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100 Oddities for a Graveyard $1.99
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100 Oddities for a Graveyard
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100 Oddities for a Graveyard
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Jason A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/21/2018 23:20:27

These 100 Oddities are a good read, great for seeds, but also great flavor for any foray into a cemetery for your adventurers, a lot of these fitting for high fantasy D20 or even modern horror with encounters both natural and supernatural. As always great artwork inside, though there were a few cool oddities I would have liked to have seen illustrated especially 60 and 71

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Graveyard
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Timothy M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/27/2016 23:48:55

I am seriously enjoying the "100 Oddities" series from Skirmisher. Random little things that add flair and a sense of presence to the locale in question, the Oddities are as much fun to read through as they are to put into action. Snatch up the pages and in seconds you'll be outfitting your local cemetery with things that your players can fixate on - whether they are of true import to the goals at hand or not. These can each be fleshed out into plot seeds, hooks, or red herrings at your leisure.

As long as Skirmisher keeps putting these out, I'm going to keep buying them. They serve so many purposes when designing a setting, and beyond that, you could simply take a random item from within these pages and craft a scenario around it with ease.

Don't miss out! Grab some creepy graveyard artifacts!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Graveyard
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Tom H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/09/2015 19:04:49

The 100 Oddities series by Skirmisher are a great resource for GMs. Having looked through the "100 Oddities for a Graveyard" I was really impressed with the concept and the content. Being new to sitting in the Games Master chair, resources like this are a real treat. When you are trying to just stay on track with telling a compelling story for players and master a rules system at the same time, well written supplements that do some of the heavy lifting in the area of adventure hooks, impromptu situations and spontaneity are always welcome. The 100 Oddities series does not disappoint. The fact they are not tied to a specific set of rules make them easily adapted to any material you may be working with. Taken as an inspirational source they can give you some cool ideas to build full scenarios from, and with 100 entries for each of these gems, you won't run short any time soon. For GMs who are a little more comfortable with improv, a roll on a d100 gives you a random situation which could add some flavour and unexpected results. These also aren't restricted to the setting they are named for. with a few small changes, a graveyard becomes a post apocalyptic ruin, etc. Another good product from these folks. Recommended, five stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Graveyard
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Jason A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/09/2015 09:06:27

You’re walking through a cemetery… Why? Why the heck are you walking through a cemetery in a roleplaying game?!? Nothing good is going to come of that even if you trust your GM, but this book has hooks and seeds galore to make it interesting.

Whether you are looking for a plot after the death of a PC?NPC or a random encounter for your group, this book will give you loads of ideas and questions as to how your PCs live their live that they are walking through a Graveyard!!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Graveyard
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2015 12:15:15

100 Oddities for a Graveyard From Skirmisher Publishing is a great ten page pdf of adventure location and adventure setting dressing for your adventures. This book is system agnostic and will fit just about any game system and this is a good pdf to acquire for both modern and old school systems. But is it actually useful for the gaming table? Well let's dive into this book.Basically 100 Oddities for a Graveyard is a series of random d100 charts that can add interesting game adventure elements to an adventure location. This enables with a toss of the dice a DM to add in a whole evening's encounters for a game. Graveyards have always been the domain of horror films and survival horror adventures, but this book gives a ton of interesting side bits to sneak into an adventure. This includes the exploding dice principle rule - One final thing: Oddities for a Graveyard employs a dice rolling sub-system often referred to as “Exploding Dice.” In this sub-system, a die that rolls the maximum value possible [i.e. a 6 on a d6] is rolled again, and the new value is added to the previous total. This continues until a value other than the maximum is rolled. So, you might roll a d8 and get 8, then roll again, get another 8, and then, on a third roll, get a 3. You would then stop and total the results, in this case a 19 [8+8+3]. When we are referring to an exploding die roll, you will see a lower case “x” after the die notation, as in “d10x.” With some of the encounters this adds an element of weirdness and some horror to some of the results. But on the whole the book provides a whole host of adventure elements that can change up a rather mundane romp through a grave yard location. An example of what you'll find in this book includes the following: "An arch of stone creating a portal over the head of a grave. Directly over the top of the arch, the stones frame a circular hole. Local legend recounts varying tales of what happens when someone stands on the grave and gazes upon the moon or sun through the hole over the arch; stories of mystical portals, visitors from other realms, glimpses of the future or the past, or a departed love one are but a few." The graveyard isn't usually the first adventure location that leaps to a DM's mind but this book basically provides all of the weirdness that you want to be inserted right into the back end of their campaigns with little issue. For a dollar this is a pretty solid investment for any new or old school gaming system. William Thresher's artwork adds a sense of whimsy and weirdness to the book. Don't let my comment fool you there's enough here to keep even a group of Call of Cthulhu investigators guessing at least for a night or two. This is one of the places that this book excels at keeping adventure encounters moving so that you can get to the heart and soul of your grave yard adventure location. There are other places that 100 Oddities for a Graveyard could be used. Personally, I'd use this book with a mix of post apocalyptic and straight up dark fantasy, many of the encounters and ideas in 100 Oddities for a Graveyard lend themselves to a mix of games. For me this would be a mix of Mutant Future and Labyrinth Lord Advanced. The PC's stumbling onto a post apocalyptic graveyard adventure location could easily support the material in this ten page pdf. With a toss of the dice a DM could dress different parts of an adventure location quite easily. This book can add a sense of the epic and weird to a simple romp through a grave yard. Seriously there's some great encounters to unleash on players and their PC's. Do I think that its worth the download price? Yes I do indeed! Many of the encounters sound like they'd be perfect to add into a Phantasm movie like campaign.The idea of outdoor crawling among the grave stones is pretty appealing for a post apocalyptic or more modern survival horror style of game. A sprinkling of undead, ghosts, or your favorite post apocalyptic horrors and your ready to go. There's more then enough of an adventure construction and encounter kit to outfit a gang of adventurer's with a mini campaign or two. The adventure elements are well done in such a way that you can take this book as a simple stepping stone or a fully realized night of dungeon crawling through a cemetery. Eric Fabiaschi Sword and Stitchery Blog Want to see more reviews and OSR material like how to use books like this one? Subscribe right over here

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Graveyard
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Ilya Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2015 20:17:38

Love the 100 Oddities series. Those PDFs provide just what you need. It works great for a lazy DM like me when you have all the plot in mind, but need some tiny details to make it feel real. Looking forward for "100 Oddities" in other settings!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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