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Fatal Experiments
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Fatal Experiments
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Fatal Experiments
Publisher: Chaosium
by Jeffrey V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2010 16:56:08

This is one of the early supplements to Call of Cthulhu produced by Chaosium in the last century (okay, that was just for drama -- it was published in 1990 -- so it's an earlier product than many). At the time of its publication, it was one of the best, and the addition of the article on unusual weapons resonated particularly with the group I was playing with at the time (they were always into peace through superior firepower as a modus operandi). The scenarios are well-written and tightly organized, making them easy for a Keeper to make his own. As noted in the blurb, two of them are fairly easy on the investigators (though you can tough them up quickly enough -- and notes are included to help you do that if you so choose), while the third is a killer and best used as a one-shot unless you want to spend a LOT of time rewriting and excluding the worst enemies from the scenario (in which case, why exactly couldn't the local's handle it, again?). Like many of the earlier Chaosium products, this one has a "theme" (Scientific experimentation) which more or less ties the various scenarios together, however they are not designed or intended to be played as a mini-campaign. They are simply one-time horrors that the players may confront -- perfect for those interludes between major campaigns! As a result, they are somewhat more free-flowing than the original campaigns were (Shadows of Yog-Sothoth particularly) and tend not to put the characters in the position of feeling railroaded around the mystery theme park; though the scenarios do lack some of the flexibility that later campaigns and scenarios provided as a matter of course. One particularly nice touch in one of the scenarios was the inclusion of a reference to the Theron Marks Handbook (published in an earlier supplement -- The Terror From the Stars -- which is, alas, unavailable in its original format which included the Handbook -- one of the coolest things ever included in the supplements; Chaosium, do you hear me? Bring back the Theron Marks handbook!!!!!!), but since you don't have a copy of it, you'll either have to make it up or just pass on by. The handouts are easily reproduced and the quality of DriveThru's reproduction meets the high standards we've come to expect from them. Overall, this one gets a solid "5" for its scenario quality, the additional material on unusual firearms, and the quality of the reproduction. Excellent job to both Chaosium and DriveThru!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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