I downloaded this adventure out of curiosity as to how it would translate into the game system I use, Pathfinder. As I was reading the adventure I noticed that all creatures mentioned are easily available in my world and not only that, they are appropriate to the proposed challenge level. Do not let the low count of pages fool you, you have enough details in this adventure to expand on it or run it as is with little to no work depending on how much preparation you need.
Although the adventure starts as a mystery investigation of sort (what kind of hound is causing such damage...), it ends-up as a pretty straigthforward adventure. Nothing wrong with that though, sometimes things are just what it is. I would have a like a little more mystery in the end with maybe someone from the village using the monsters to foment war between the humans and elves. However, this is a short fun and easy to use module that is Pay What you Want, so I do not think I should complain much here considering it is well written and structured. Give it a try!