You do not encourage the practice of christianity in any way.... da fuck? Did the writer thing that 99% of America is Athiest or something?
You despise the "Pro-Life Movement"? So anyone who is remotely upset about abortion, is despicable?
You do understand half the country voted for Trump right?
The first few pages has the author talking shit about 50% or more of the country, very bad move, not professonal at all.
The end result is nothing like the writing of those other two groups, and THE SPACE MARINES ARE NOT THE BAD GUYS! The Space Marines fight things that want to kill or rape people, they aren't in any way connected to the secret police, church, or any of that.
Why is the "Lifer Army of God" full of non-humans? You made a faction of strawmen who hate technology, then made a bunch of them not human. There are christian fundimentalist in this world, they are the minority, and they HATE TECHNOLOGY. Everything is a "Affont to God" and a "Abomination".
This is like calling all Germans Nazis, and then thinking Nazis were big fans of interracial couples or labor unions.
Wait wait wait, are you saying that anyone who is "Pro-Life" is a freak and not human?
Wait wait wait, you have hardcore christian fundimentalists who...are zombies? What? You think people who are a pro-god would be okay with black magic?
The temporal angels aren't so bad.
Why is the art all over the place in quality and style? Can you not stick to like four or five styles? The art in here looks stolen or just bought from random vendors. Did you even commision all of this?
Wait wait wait, some of this art looks stolen from Stars Without Number! Page 68!