Excellent addition to the line, its a shame this and the 1st edition aren't available as POD.
At three pages of game material its a wee bit expensive.
It feels like a wasted opportunity, a really nice adventure hook on a page of text.
However the adventure thread that follows is weak, no plot, no characters...
It feels like the author had a really good idea then got bored writing it up after the second page.
It suffers from the same problems as trinklets, no real meat on the bone.
It is a shame as this was a really nice hook...
Dregs is a slim suppliment that can barely contain its contents;
Snippets of information on the industries of the dregs (charcoal and pottery).
Detailed and fully fleshed out characters, that bring the secton of the city to life.
Although rooted in Clearwine the Dreggs could be placed in any Orlanthi city with the
minimum of work, I'm thinking of using it as a neighbourhood in Pavis.
Illustrations and artwork are consistent and excellent throughout the book, from the character
pics to the charming building line drawings and filler pics.
One thing that mystifies me, how did they make a pot that big (the cover)...
and there are historic examples of pots that big.
But I do have to say there is something very menacing about the image of Dillamore, his gaze seems to follow me round the room.
Creator Reply: |
Hello Paul!
Thank you for your review.
The pots you are wondering about are generally called Pithoi. Diogenes, the cynic philosopher, lived in one because he wished to eschew material goods. Nowadays it's sometimes said that he lived in a barrel, but that's a translation of pithos. We were inspired in the cover by several pictures of him, often with dogs around him. Cynic also means dogged, if you look at the Greek right, but I can't remember exactly how the etymology gets there. Dogs are not Orlanthi, but you'll notice those little alynxes...
They were usually used buried in the ground, or for cargo handling - they were far too big to move around without a crane, and you wanted to be able to reach into them, which you couldn't do if you were standing next to them. Minoan palaces often have them, in pits. You'd buy and sell things in bulk, and fill storage jars, but they were not for everyday people.
Thank you again, it's great to see that people like the things we liked doing. |
It looks good, though I almost missed it as the cover looks a bit scifi-ish.
Very nice cameo/adventure with spell write ups for the Blue Moon.
Content is ok, but theres not much there for your dollar - 2 pages of random Stuff/trinklets, if the Trinklets had a bit more depth/detail/history/myth it would have been spot on, it feels like a missed oppurtunity.
Is it still useful.... Yes,
but is it really worth that dollar...there in lies the rub, and my answer is probably no.
First off the positives:
This is an amazing book, background and info briming on every page.
It presents one of the best backdrops for a game I've come across.
Black and white illustrations sdd to the noir feeling of the setting, flavour text is cool.
I could write chapters prasing the character generations, the setting, the anomolies, artifacts, etc... It is an amazing and open back drop for an rpg.
Then on to the negative (singular):
The only thing that lets it down for me (and I emphasis for me) is the game system itself- which a very small part of the book.
The resolution of events left me as GM feeling uncomfortably exposed. The number crunching, derived from skills and situation/task, although not complicated still felt that as GM I was still making arbritary discisions regarding the players ideas and roleplaying. ( ok I got burned a couple of times by my players... and these weren't my hardened Monday night crew either.)
Which is a shame because the character generation is pretty awesome.
If your players are meek and willing to accept you descisions at face value then the system will probably not pose a problem.
Myself, I'm playing arround with die resolution system I can bolt on without wrecking the chargen.
That aside the modest Mr Burger has done an a really excellent job of recreating the Story setting of a 'Road-Side Picnic' for as RPG, even if he does say so himself :)
I've always loved L5R, having purchased the last two editions; I purchased this out of curiosity with a negative 'Another edition comment' at the fore of my mind. I hadn't really like third editions look and feel, and was expecting similar.
However, I was amazed at the quality of both the layout beauty of the book, it is easily one of the best looking rpgs I've ever had the joy to read. If anything it is perhaps a little too pretty as it is slightly distracting reading through the rules.
Having brought the pdf I was so impressed, I went on to purchase the dead tree version, and the subsequent rule books.
Be warned the approach to building characters has changed, the books acting as more of a toolkit than a blow by blow instruction list, which both allows for more character variation and better development.
I purchased the Dead tree version from ebay, I was more than a little disappointed by the quality compared to the 4th rules books which I rate highly.
The Adventure is ok, a little short but ok.
The screen on the other hand is very thin card, the Art work is ok and the table/info is useful, but when compared to the Screens for Dark heresy it is forced to hold its head in shame.
And the moral of this story is stick with the PDF.
I can't help feeling disappointed by this product.
The first edition books where great (though the borders and art were a little poor) breething life into an old forgotten setting.
This book seems to have basically done a very poor job of recycling them and converting them to MRQ2. It feels a bit of a half hearted attempt at that - it may have been the MRQ2 rules were still in the flux of design at the time it was put together and things changed after its release.
Quite a fun and addictive game.
Play is remarkably varied with thee varying fifth element.
I purchased this after the disapointing Necromantic Arts, expecting it too be just a poor re-write of the first three Glorantha Race books.
I am glad to say I was wrong, admittedly alot of the material is basically the same, but the thought has gone into the both the cults and the background cultures for generating PCs.
Basically everything you need to play a Duck, Dragnewt or Uz/Troll.
Only one niggle, some of the spells already exist in Cults of Glorantha with differing description - which could lead to arguments around the gaming table.
In particular one of the versions of Face Chaos has nasty possibilities.
Another outstanding product from mongoose
An excellent overview of Glorantha and its cultures brought upto date with the new rule set.
There is enough information (aside cults) to build a respectable campaign up within the book.
The art workand layout is also much improved, we are even presented with a reasonable set of maps.
The only negative point, and it is a real trivial one, the background Skill listings for each culture are little confusing to read at a glance, you end up using a ruler. If they where alterantely highlighted in light grey it would have been good.
Other than that can't really fault this book and hope all the books that follow retain its quality.
After the advent of the new rule set I was looking forward to getting hold of this suppliment, Iwas greatly impressed by the new MRQ2 rules, however...
Although the Necromantic Arts had some promising ideas, it was both badly executed and edited.
The suppliment claims to MRQ2 but is really a half hearted gloss over of the older MRQ ruleset.
The spells are imbalanced for the new rule set and unusable.
The Cult write-ups are bad, making reference to no existing spells or spells from the wrong order, ie Divine rather than Common or Spirit.
Vivamort and the East isle god are just confused and unusable.
The undead creature section isn't too bad, and if your running a game in the 3rd age and you want things to populate a certain Upland Marsh, there are some nice things here.
The adventure section also shows promise.
If you've got time and patients you may find some nice bits and pieces between its covers, its a shame this could have been a really good product, I'm glad I didn't purchase a hard copy
This is a massive collection of Glorantha Goodness, it revises the cults from the previous edition and brings them in line with new MRQII rule set.
It goes into further depth into the cult and pantheon mythos giving a bit more meat to help you portray your character.
It really goes to town on the Draconic, Storm, Solar, and Malkion Pantheons - all are excellently detailed and give a good feel for the culture.
I would have prefered it if the Nomad, Pentian/horse Nomad, Pamaltelan, and beast cults had been seperated out into distinct Pantheon/Traditions rather than lumping them together... still its only a minor point of preference.
Not all the cults from the previous editions made it to the book... and some of the cults/paths mentioned in the Glorantha Core Book don't get a mentioned inside so the cultures remain unplayable unless your predispossed to make some cults up yourself until they fill the gaps, inparticular Teshnos, East Isle, Pamaltelan and the Chaos Pantheon.
There are some minor error- missing spells, but hat said, this is a remarkable book, it makes the cults of Prax feel a bit lightweight.
Canibals, Scavs, and Manchines what more could you ask for;
The writing and content is good, especially the detail and background on the Scavs is good.
Art work is excellent and moody.
Hopefully this will open up a flood gate to more SLA products.