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Have Death Ray, Will Travel $2.49
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Have Death Ray, Will Travel
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Have Death Ray, Will Travel
Publisher: Magic Pig Media
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2022 20:42:35

'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' is by Chuck Thorin and it presents a retro futurish solar system for the White Star rpg . This is a very solid local solar system campaign and works very at what it does. And Have Death Ray, Will Travel works with the White Star rpg & the retro future campaign aspect pulls the White Star game into a solar system centric. You get enemies, monsters, pirates, and much more. Everything in 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' is geared into getting your PC's into the adventure & campaign elements of the retro future solar system campaign setting. The brain masters are the nasties in 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' and these alien nasties are perfect for over arching vile aliens with connections with the brain lashers of Mutant Future rpg from Goblinoid Games. ''Have Death Ray, Will Travel' is by Chuck Thorin takes the PC's across the solar system while presenting two new character classes. The new classes (Scientist and Gunfighter), within 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' are perfect for both PC's & NPC's. These PC classes have been woven into the solar system & the adventure presented within 'Lost Mines of the Brain Masters.' The fact is that Chuck Thorin did an excellent job with 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel'. And is well worth the three dollar price point. Thanks for reading our review. Eric Fabiaschi Swords & Stitchery blog Want more OSR action? Please Subscribe

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
Publisher: Magic Pig Media
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2016 01:00:32

This supplement provides a fully fleshed-out campaign setting for the White Star RPG, though it can certainly be used with other games with a little conversion work. The setting, as described, has a very retro-sci-fi feel to it, obviously inspired by Flash Gordon and the like, and is set within our own solar system without FTL technology (though, given the flavor, as you can guess Venus is inhabited by a psychic race, Mars by a red-skinned warrior race, etc.)

As a campaign setting, it is quite useful, and can accomodate a wide variety of play styles--Star Marshals in space, Buck Rogers space opera, and so on. It also contains two new character classes, the Gunslinger and the Scientist (both of which seem well done to me), and even a bonus adventure to get you started. All in all, if you want to run a White Star game but don't know where to start and find the described flavor of this product up your alley, you can't go wrong in purchasing it.

That being said, the product has one large flaw I feel I must mention, namely the fact that it was written in a very amateurish style. There are many errors, and while most seem to be typos (indicating a lack of good editing), there are also awkwardly written and short, choppy sentences which make it clear the writer needs more polish as well. To be quite blunt, I find this unacceptable, and it reflects what I see as a problem with many small RPG publishers, namely that while they may have good ideas they don't put enough effort into producing what looks like a professionally written and edited product.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
Publisher: Magic Pig Media
by Steven W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2015 17:42:45

Four 4 smackeroos you get a heck of a lot of game in this supplement for Whitestar.

The new classes and new rules are good, but for me the best thing was the campaign, a retro-future Flash Gordon style solar system with evil space emperors, pirates, Venusian Jungles and Martian deserts.

If you enjoyed Saturday morning serials, or Flash Gordon or John Carter or the Galaxy Rangers, this is a campaign you will want to play in.

Other stuff: Art is swingy, some clip art, some comic panels, some line art, nothing crazy bad but a bit uneven in places. I found the format and layout to be fine. If there were any typo's, I missed them because I was too excited about the Lion Men of Ganymede.

I give this book 4 Green Martian Thumbs up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
Publisher: Magic Pig Media
by Robert G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/18/2015 08:21:17

Fun setting that lets you get right into the game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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