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A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules $9.99
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A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules
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A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Gene P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2019 03:48:12

This is an excellent small adventure, from a story perspective. With that being said, it isn't adapted well to 5e. To be truthful, however, there is so much good content here that I would still pick it up. Their stat blocks will do in a pinch, though given a chance I wouldn't rely on them too heavily. This is very OSR and assumes you are ok with your players acquiring allies. I suggest you let them since the success of the adventure depends on cannon fodder, but I would equally not shy away from their deaths or the consequences of them in a role-play sense. Overall it's a solid little adventure and worth spending time on it to spruce it up.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Thomas C H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2019 18:01:39

Not only are there copy editing errors as the other review pointed out more than a year ago, but there are blunders like mixing up east and west (pg 4). There seem to be some plot holes big enough to drive a four-horse wagon through, although some of that is taste. I bought this as part of a bundle on the strength of the subtitle "Adventures for 5th Edition Rules", but it seems like the conversion was purely mechanical, somewhat error-prone, and didn't really pay attention to what it was doing. There are bits of awkward terminology that I assume belong to the original game system.

The module is listed as being for 3-6 characters of level 1. Let's examine the encounters on the first dungeon level if we have a party of 3 level 1 characters: deadly, deadly, deadly, deadly, easy, deadly, easy. Or with a party of 6 level 1 characters: medium, deadly, hard, medium, easy, hard, easy. On the second level, 4 of 6 encounters are deadly, even for a party of 6. Clearing the first level would get 4 characters to level 2, but not 6. Even if our 6 characters were level 2, the second level is: deadly, easy, easy, deadly, deadly, medium. The wandering monsters vary wildly from easy to deadly.

Treasure value reads as quite high for 5e, more in OSR style. Both that and the combat difficulty might be valid design choices, but there's no discussion of them, no acknowledgement of that or thoughts about how the GM might approach this. Friendly NPCs are statted as if they were PCs, which is legitimate but unusual in 5e sources.

The dungeon is sparsely keyed but most of the keyed locations are overly verbose.

Finally, the layout doesn't seem very use-at-the-table friendly; I'm afraid it'll be a real slog to find the information I need in play. If my (4, level 2) players head east towards the rumours of goblins and run into this where I've inserted it into their world I'll update this review with our actual experience.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Mark L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2017 16:13:07

I'm happy to see some content being created for 5E outside of the official sources made available by the original publisher.

This adventure is both complete and engaging, allowing the PCs to become familiar with the town in which the adventure is centered and the surrounding areas that will lead them to further adventures in later modules. As mentioned in one of the discussions, Hommlet comes to mind while reading over the characters and locations. I’m grateful that the level of detail isn’t nearly as granular as that module, though. There’s enough material to allow the PCs the freedom to explore nearly at will without need for the GM to steer them in a particular direction.

My one complaint would be the desire for better proofreading and editing. Consistent misuse of homophones indicates the writer and/or editor ensured the words remained the same throughout the test, but they are still incorrect. I’d welcome the opportunity to work up a list of changes or corrections whenever I read through this one again, or any of the subsequent adventures If I had a contact willing to accept them.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello Mark! Yes, we would welcome any proofreading corrections you may have. You can send it to productsupport (@) trolllord. com. Thanks!
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