This product definitely accomplished what it set out to do. A new look at death, or more specifically, how death is dealt with religiously.
To be honest, I had long ago gotten tired of all gods of death being brooding, annoying, zombie-lovers with bad attitudes. And I had already taken steps in my homebrew setting to steer away from that.
So this product helped me out with creating more depth to existing gods, and helped me to create new gods as well that are clear of the stigma usually attached to gods of death in other settings and supplements.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The book struck me as being thought-out fully, which I appreciate. There were no half-finished thoughts here, this was enjoyable and useful from start to finish. And most of all, I like the scope of the product. It was something long overdue and for as short as it is, this PDF really does deliver what it promises - a new outlook on the gods of death in your world. I would seriously suggest picking it up for anyone who is designing their own setting or at least - they're own pantheon.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Really, the only thing that would strike me as negative is that the product suffers from some spelling and grammatical errors. But that's true of most products, so it can hardly be held against the author. I have plenty of complaints about Wizards of the Coast and Green Ronin (whom I love) doing poor proof-reading jobs as well.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>