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G275 German Army OOB Operation Barbarossa (6) 11th Army support units, June-July 1941 $1.83
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G275 German Army OOB Operation Barbarossa (6) 11th Army support units, June-July 1941
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G275 German Army OOB Operation Barbarossa (6) 11th Army support units, June-July 1941
Publisher: MicroMark Army Lists
by David T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2021 10:15:13

useful listing of support units attached to the 11th Army, in some cases broken down to Platoons (eg. Ist Flak Co, 47th flak Btn) and available to support it's Divisions during Barbarossa. Also lists corps and divisions attached.

I would have liked more detail on some units for example 49 & 552 MP Watch Battalions are listed but no breakdown of sub units provided, the same for 836rd Landschutzen battalion.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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