An adventure designed for multi-table convention play, this consists of seven main scenarios, and a more generic eighth scenario also intended for larger groups, all meant to be run simultaneously; then a grand finale where all the players participate in parts of a single massive battle. The individual scenarios are fine, if a little contrived at times; the finale is ambitious but complicated, possibly quite fun if run well, but I can easily see it falling apart without serious preparation. Fortunately, they do have a suggested division of labor for organizers, and some troubleshooting tips near the end.
As a "D&D Next" adventure, it uses an unfinished version of the 5E rules, but it should be fine for general 5E use. (It's also interesting to see some of the prototype versions of various 5E monsters.) However, due to its expectation that multiple tables will participate, some modification would be needed for a single home group.