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More Mighty Than Steel $0.99 $0.67
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More Mighty Than Steel
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More Mighty Than Steel
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Derek K. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/18/2006 00:00:00

"More Mighty Than Steel" is a "collection of magical inks and papers" from Skortched Urf' Studios. It is a mere four pages in length, the first of which is a full-page cover, and the last of which is taken up by most of the Open Game License. In the one-and-half pages of actual material, the uncredited-in-the-text writer presents six magical pieces of "writing equipment" and three artifacts.

The magic items here are varied in their purpose and presentation, as well as their required caster level for creation.

The Ink of Summoning does exactly what it says it does - it summons a named creature to the user's location. The potentially summoned creature does receive an opportunity to resist the magical effect with a Will save, but the text does make reference to the user being able to avoid this by using the creature's true name, but no "true name" rules are presented here (and "Truename Magic" from official Wizards of the Coast material is not considered part of the Open Game License or SRD).

The Parchment of Preparedness allows a caster to scribe a spell without the associated experience point cost, and comes in three varieties - Minor, Major and Superior. The Pen of Pain can be used to create a symbol of pain as per the spell. The Quill of the Cipher grants the user the effect of the 'secret page' spell.

The Quill of Transcription records the user's speech, and can work indefinitely. This seems a bit overpowered to me for its price of 2000 gp.

Sinned's Tattoo Ink allows a spell to be inscribed into a person's flesh in the form of a tattoo. As a free action, the spell can be activated when the tattooed person touches the tattoo. What's a bit confusing in the text is whether or not the touching of the tattoo - the free action - is enough for the spell to be completed, or if the spell's normal casting time must be added to the user's actions for the round.

The three minor artifacts are the Knife of Cutting, the Paper of Stone Binding and the Stone of Knife Crushing. If you ever wanted to include the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors in your D&D game, these items are for you.

The layout of this supplement is functional yet plain. It's easy to read and use, but isn't very inspiring, and is a bit pricey.

<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The idea of magical writing equipment is appealing, and the variety of the items included here is great enough that a variety of different character types and levels will be able to use them. Outside of the brief mention of using a creature's a true name (with the Ink of Summoning), the text is non-confusing and easy to read.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: "More Mighty Than Steel" is a bit pricey for what it is - one-and-a-half pages of material. The cover page is nicely put together, but this is the only piece of artwork in the entire product, and the Open Game License takes up nearly as much room as the gaming material itself.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I want to adress the pricing of this product, since that seems to be the item you disliked the most. This was our first PDF published, and had a $1.25 price when initially offered on RPGNow. A few weeks later we began selling our items on DriveThruRPG, where they had a minimum $1.99 price; so rather than drop the product, we raised it to the minimum $1.99. (Intending to either add more content or bundle it with a another small product.) A short while after that, DriveThru & RPGNow merged, which removed the $1.99 minimum so we lowered the price back to its $1.25 intended price point. We clearly state in our item description that the PDF includes nine items, which I think is fair at about 14 cents per item. Your review just happened to fall within the six week period when the PDF was listed at $1.99. And I would agree with you, that is a bit pricey for the content offered in this PDF, but we do feel $1.25 is acceptable and hope that others reading this do as well. Thanks for your comments and review!
More Mighty Than Steel
Publisher: Skortched Urf&#039; Studios
by Peter I. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 11/06/2006 00:00:00

More Mighty Than Steel is a short 4 page d20 pdf detailing a number of magical items and minor artifacts related to writing, quills, ink and paper. It's a standalone product from Skortched Urf' Studios, and is aimed at making life a little easier for those characters, mostly wizards, that require a lot of scribing, but there are a number of items equally suitable to other classes.

The product comes as a single document, and at 4 pages there's really no need for a printer-friendly version or even bookmarks. A cover is included, and a large-text OGL at the back, meaning that of the 4 pages only about 1.5 are actual content. Given the price of nearly $2, that sounds a bit on the expensive side. Writing and editing is acceptable, with the occasional odd sentence, and the mechanics could've used a little bit of firming up. Sinned's Tattoo Ink, for example, could probably have used a sentence indicating that only one tattoo may be active at any given time or at least had a duration on how long the magical tattoo lasts (presently indefinitely). Overall, though, for a short pdf it looks pretty decent.

This product contains a total of 9 new magical items - 6 wondrous items and three minor artifacts. Price ranges vary from 700 gp to 18000 gp, with most below the 5000 gp mark. In the pdf is the Quill of Pain, which can be used to write a symbol of pain, the Ink of Summoning, for summoning the creature's name or type written using the ink, and Sinned's Tattoo Ink, used to infuse a tattoo with magic. They're all useful, perhaps just too few given the price of the pdf. The magical artifacts are a bit on the silly side, as they're mirrored after the game 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. You get, for example, the Paper of Stone Binding that can disintegrate objects wrapped in it, and only be destroyed by the Knife of Paper Cutting. Interesting, but perhaps not so useful.

Overall I think there are one or two good ideas in this pdf, but nothing to really write home about. Decent presentation, some interesting ideas, but perhaps lacking in anything that stands out and screams that it needs to be used. That said, DMs might want to provide players with the cheaper items as it makes a small difference to the monotony of the cheap items in the core rules. A few titbits could've used a little bit of extra clarification text, and perhaps more could've been included to get more bang for your buck. Decent job overall.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Some interesting ideas and good presentation.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Some of the magical items could've used more explanatory text, and perhaps a few more could've been included to increase the products value for money.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I want to adress the pricing of this product. This was our first PDF published, and had a $1.25 price when initially offered on RPGNow. A few weeks later we began selling our items on DriveThruRPG, where they had a minimum $1.99 price; so rather than drop the product, we raised it to the minimum $1.99. (Intending to either add more content or bundle it with a another small product.) A short while after that, DriveThru & RPGNow merged, which removed the $1.99 minimum so we lowered the price back to its $1.25 intended price point. We clearly state in our item description that the PDF includes nine items, which I think is fair at about 14 cents per item. Your review just happened to fall within the six week period when the PDF was listed at $1.99. And I would agree with you, that is a bit pricey for the content offered in this PDF, but we do feel $1.25 is acceptable and hope that others reading this do as well. Thanks for your comments and review!
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